Tracking with Writer Monad – Eugene Platonov
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This talk will tell the story of one team at eBay which used to do data tracking in a healthy side-effecting manner. Until the team realized that it’s not that healthy. The solution was found in a Writer Monad (residing in the cats library) as well as in the fact that the writer monad can stay in shades. Some people, especially when they are new to typed FP, don’t like/feel comfortable to see words like Semigroup, Traversable, Writer and such in their domain code. The talk will show how those “scary” parts can be “hidden” by domain specific extension methods.
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* About Speaker *
I’m a Scala Dev at eBay Inc, working commercially with Scala as my main programming language since early 2011, Java Dev in my past life. Occasional contributor to variety of Scala related OS projects. Scala evangelist who successfully converted individuals and teams to Scala from Java.
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* About Speaker *
I’m a Scala Dev at eBay Inc, working commercially with Scala as my main programming language since early 2011, Java Dev in my past life. Occasional contributor to variety of Scala related OS projects. Scala evangelist who successfully converted individuals and teams to Scala from Java.
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