Regaining Control with State Monad and Friends (Felix Mulder)
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A state transition can be modeled as a simple function:
type State[S, A] = S ⇒ (S, A)
In this talk we’ll see how indexed monads like the State Monad are built around this simple concept.
From side-effect free state modification to Finite State Machines. The State Monad is immensely useful and actually - as will be shown throughout this talk, definitely, not scary at all.
We’ll get comfortable with the state monad from the Cats library, and learn how we can write functional APIs that describe state transition on the type level using indexed monads.
Former Compiler Engineer at LAMP, EPFL. Building the next generation Scala compiler - Dotty. Currently lambda head at Klarna in Stockholm, building purely functional things in Scala.
type State[S, A] = S ⇒ (S, A)
In this talk we’ll see how indexed monads like the State Monad are built around this simple concept.
From side-effect free state modification to Finite State Machines. The State Monad is immensely useful and actually - as will be shown throughout this talk, definitely, not scary at all.
We’ll get comfortable with the state monad from the Cats library, and learn how we can write functional APIs that describe state transition on the type level using indexed monads.
Former Compiler Engineer at LAMP, EPFL. Building the next generation Scala compiler - Dotty. Currently lambda head at Klarna in Stockholm, building purely functional things in Scala.
Regaining Control with State Monad and Friends (Felix Mulder)
PPP 040601 - The State Monad in practice
State Monads in Scala
SwEng 1 lesson 6 state monad
Code Review: How can I use the State monad effectively in Haskell?
Explaining the state monad
SwEng lecture 7 state monad with errors
Code Review: State Monad in TypeScript
Haskell Tips: FP Refactoring Recursion with Writer + State
Haskell - sequence, mapM, forever, Control.Monad functions
Haskell for Imperative Programmers #38 - Monad Transformers
CSCI 3155 Mini Project - FibSeq using DoWith(State Monad)
Sed implementation in Haskell - Episode 2
Introduction de la State Monad
@rae: IO is just the state monad passing the real world
Reader monad + State monad
'Why is a Monad Like a Writing Desk?' by Carin Meier (2012)
Monad Transformer State - Michael Snoyman
Haskell's StateT Monad Transformer
Reader, Writer & State Monads
Haskell StateMonad Part (2 of 4)
Lecture 8: Monadic Control of Effects
Haskell Monad Transformers: State Monad Transformer Part 2 of 4.