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For those of you who feel like giving up. Still waiting for prayers to be answered and breakthroughs. Please don’t give up. After many years of my father and I praying for my three brothers to be delivered from drug addiction and to make Jesus their Lord and Savior, God has been faithful! Thank you Jesus!🙌🏾🙏🏾💃🏾💕


After 9 years of marriage and my 40th birthday I prayed to God. First time I thank him for my life as it was. I didnt ask him for a child anymore. I respected his will.
2 weeks after I got pregnant. And our baby boy was born exactly on the 10th marriage anniversary.


After losing my best friend to cancer this spring, my wife announced she's unhappy and thinking of leaving. It feels like my world is crumbling twice over. Any prayers for us would be so valued.


Yesterday was my 1st chemo and radiation treatment I pray 🙏🏼 for strength to continue to be healed


Grateful for everyone prayers for the healing of my daughter and baby Edgar Agustin Gama from embeodic fluid infection. Please God keep them close to your Sacred Heart and heal them 🙏 ❤️


To everyone going through any struggle or pain right now, keep your head up and keep smiling! GOD heals!If GOD can turn night into day, then He can turn your burdens into blessings.


I ask for prayer for my son and all his children and their children that they would accept the Lord into their hearts.


My prayer is that God will lead my adult daughter and I to the right home or apartment. We have to leave the house we are renting by July 18th, 2024. I'm praying that everyone else receive their breakthroughs and miracles as well. 🙏🏽🙏🏽


I have started praying and surrendering to the Creator more in the past 6 months than ever before. Everything collapsed in my material world. Home, income, relationships and I went into the darkest days of my life. I feel a change despite having scepticism and doubts from my experience of organised religion growing up. I had a beautiful dream of God pouring his blessings into me as I stood with my arms raised up. I'm trusting more and feel a shift in my heart. Praise God 💛🙏💛


I'm praying God helps my family, we are in need of a new home but we are having a hard time getting approved for a rental, please lord help us make a way out of no way 🙏 I'm so tired lord.


My situation seems hopeless...I want to see my children...haven't seen them. I'm trusting the Lord to answer


Trusting God for a godly home knowing He is working everything out for my good.
These messages strengthen my faith. God bless you.


I've lost a home cause of rent issues. Am stranded with kids. Sometimes it feels like God has left me. I hope I get the strength to go on


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the work You are doing in my life. I know that Your plans are perfect, and I trust in Your timing. Help me to be patient and to lean on Your wisdom, not my own understanding.

In moments when I feel impatient or uncertain, remind me of Your faithfulness and Your promise to work all things together for good. Strengthen my faith and give me peace as I wait on You.

Lord, I commit my life into Your hands. I trust that You are in control and that Your plans for me are full of hope and purpose. Thank You for Your love, grace, and guidance.

In Jesus' name, I pray.



Mighty God its 4years I trust and pray for my business to be sold and give me breakthrough in my finances .Today I pray in courts of heaven I will be set free.Even my case in court will be for God's glory.
In all the time I give God all the praises He has provided and protected me .
I am still trusting for Gods time to set me free of the world system.
Praise to our King of Kings time is in hands.


Jesus, I surrender my life to you. You are my all in all, my everything, my breath and my life. Consumed by your love, I wish to dwell in your heart forever.


Lord mighty God strengthen me to trust in you and increase my faith, I'm 31 still praying for soul mate for marriage. Many times negative thoughts comes and shakes my faith.But God did not leave me. He gave me job to be busy... thank you Lord for your ubandance love


I confess that trusting in God has been a struggle. I’ve rationalized the reasons why. I’ve realized that Until I truly trust God, I am stuck with trusting untrustworthy things which have all let me down in time. Trust in God takes courage that I lack, strength that I do not have and hope that has been dashed. What I do not lack is insight inspired by the Holy Spirit which led me to this video. So long as God is working in my life He shows his care and love for me. God, I want to trust you with everything. Give me the courage, strength and hope to surrender. Amen


For all my brothers and sisters in Christ I pray for a complete resolution to all their trials and whoes. Across your whole earth God, I plead to you for reconciliation of all your childrens spirits so they may live lives full of love spreading your prosperity to all they encounter with a single interaction.
Lord I know I've been a sinner for most my life and am far from worthy of your grace. The past years have been as dark as the winter nights long and as we approach another cold season I feel glimmers of your strength working through me. I don't know what your plan is for me but I do know I'm not giving up as I face the mental and physical health challenges erupting into view after decades of hiding from them through sin.
Almighty Jesus, I pray that you make your presence undeniably known in all my comings and goings, guiding me down your righteous path keeping me from the dark depths of depression, confusion, doubt and fear. Strengthen me through your presence and grace so I may raise a family in spiritual and financial abundance. Rid me of all unbelief turning me into a living testimony of your grace.
In Jesus name, Amen

Give me a pure heart, O' God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me Psalm 51:10


1. Rejoice continually, 2. Pray without seizing, 3. Give thanks in all your circumstances for this is Hashem's will for you in Y'shua Adonai...
Persevere as though you were in training to win a race, seek God in all your ways...
