BRICS: An Anti-Imperialist Fantasy and Sub-Imperialist Reality? - Patrick Bond (pt 1/2)

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Patrick Bond, political economist, Professor of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg, and Director of the Centre for Social Change, discusses the recent BRICS summit in Johannesburg. The BRICS countries continue to call for greater representation within Bretton Woods institutions, while their opposition to US-dollar hegemony has been feeble at best. Patrick Bond lays out the complicity of the BRICS and soon-to-be BRICS+ elite in corruption networks as they profit from Big Oil and Gas contracts and accelerate environmental disasters. This is part 1 of 2.

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Patrick Bond, political economist, Professor of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg, and Director of the Centre for Social Change, discusses the recent BRICS summit in Johannesburg. The BRICS countries continue to call for greater representation within Bretton Woods institutions, while their opposition to US-dollar hegemony has been feeble at best. Patrick Bond lays out the complicity of the BRICS and soon-to-be BRICS+ elite in corruption networks as they profit from Big Oil and Gas contracts and accelerate environmental disasters. This is part 1 of 2.

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Patrick Bond is an impeccable scholar. Thanks for this.


13:00 i believe it's way too early, to be making such conclusions. As you should know, China is consulting with Michael Hudson.
And you seem to be saying that since everyone didn't automatically and easily turn on a dime, that they must be insincere or infiltrated?
Like i said i believe it's way too early to draw such conclusions.


Professor Bond is 💯 correct on three important fronts 1. if BRICS is to become something more than a talking shop it's alternative banking system needs to be created. Until I see a retail banking system and the BRICS version of Western Union were anyone can send money throughout their own system outside swift, not much will have been accomplished; consequently it's still all talk. 2. Leftist should not over estimate BRICS members commitment to equality and social inclusion for the simply reason that all member counties are Capitalism if not UBER capitalist countries today. This is what is ment by talking Left and walking right. BRICS members as of today are simply looking for a way to practice and participate in the global market without American interference. 3. While corruption effects all countries it is most insidious in developing nations meaning the BRICS nations and act as a further weight on development, equality and social inclusion. Bottomline Uncle Sam maybe watching but he is not worried yet.


4:44 i guess im confused cuz in america, when you "walk right", you end up with limited living wage jobs, housing, food, education, and healthcare. We must have different definitions of "walking right".


Excellent interview. Most interesting and truly relevant.


Many good critiques but such a broad sweep must lead to incomplete analysis. For example Saudi Arabia and the gulf nations are rapidly approaching unlivable conditions due to climate change, they all are making massive investments in solar power, and petroleum products will always have value as raw materials, so they don't have to burn most of yhem for energy to make money.


26:45 Saudi Arabia has definitely been americanized but has always been a pawn to america, I'm sure Saudi Arabia resents this relationship, even tho it's made them rich.


When Russia and China recently forgave major debts in Africa they should have called it climate debt payments to get this ball rolling.


12:30 maybe cuz Africa has been screwed over so many times, they have little reason to have faith in anything? And there are factions of our intelligence agencies disrupting politics and economies, in Africa.
You're a sociologist right?


He protects western imperialism by presenting an idea of puritanism, pretending that there is a realistic possiblity of fighting monopolarity of west, by a popular, collective oppramsing of something else. The change and winning opposition against old colonialism didn't came from the the association of fighting national movement, but from appearing a modern imperialist USA. Not perfect, but progress. BRICS too represent a progress from a monopolist western imperialism, something he seemed to be worried about.


16:45 maybe that's their intention? To take the loans but not repay?


At least Brics countries are actually doing some quite substantial things as IN trading oil in NON USD CURRENCIES!! A SIN FOR WHICH THE US FAS GONE TO WAR OVER AND SPONSORED REGIME CHANGE MANY TIMES!!!


5:35 we seem to agree in many other areas, but come to different conclusions.


Have Franco from Franc analysis on about these topics. And Glory Jones


This is what happens when you are funded by unnamed super rich people ....


nice to see this channel lean into reality for once


This is the usual nonsense: critiquing BRICS for not being a fully mature, competing economic and financial ecosystem vs. the West/Washington consensus when the BRICS is still literally building the tools, to build the tools, to build the capabilities, to even consider replacing the most basic parts of the existing Western dominated international structures. A simple example is the utter dominance of Western private banks over correspondent banking behind trade and currency exchanges.
So Bond is either stupid or a propagandist - YMMV.
