Elementary potential flows, the building stones for potential flow theory, Part 3, dipoles

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Playlist: Fluids made easy: 06- Fundamentals of potential flow theory

This is a talk on the elementary potential flow, on source-sink pair and its specific form, the dipole or doublet. In this talk, the superposition principle is introduced and then the principle is applied to the source-sink pair and the dipole. Although the superposition of a source and a sink, the dipole is still an elementary potential flow.
From the talks on elementary potential flow, we can see all elementary potential functions are linear so far (this is true for all elementary potential flows), such as the potential function for uniform flow (proportional to the uniform flow velocity); source or sink. And as a result of superposition method, the flow of a dipole is also linear, in which the potential function is proportional to the strength of the dipole.
In this talk, following contents are included:
- Superposition principle: the superposition of sources
- Potential function of a source-sink pair
- Obtaining the potential function of a dipole
- Stream functions of a dipole
- Equipotential lines and streamlines of a dipole
- Short introduction of a 3D dipole
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interesting discussions on the dipole!


Thank you very much Dr. Wanan Sheng for sharing your excellent lectures.
