The 'Olympics of hula'

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Seventy-five hundred miles away from Paris, on the Big Island of Hawaii, another competition recently took place featuring the best hula dancers in the world, competing in the categories of traditional and modern hula. Correspondent Lee Cowan talked with teachers and students of the art of hula – an ancient form of storytelling that preserves the culture and grace of the Hawaiian people, as celebrated at the Merrie Monarch Festival.

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Glad Hawaiians are reclaiming their heritage and culture.


Nice to see a national news/feature story about this enduring event of the Hawaiian culture. It deserves a spotlight, showcasing the rich history of the native Hawaiian people and the resurgence of tradition and language that has taken place now for over 40 years. Imua!


Folk and ethnic dances music stories and culture needs to be preserved around the world. My own family after coming to the US have lost their traditions and assimilated. It makes me sad, I went and rediscovered them and my family is like wth are you doing we are American. Its fine to be a american citizen, but you dont have to give up your culture to do it.


Everytime I watch hula - alone with my PC or live - I get all weepy & my heart aches, though not necessarily in a bad way. No clue why that happens, but it speaks to how much I adore indigenous dance, especially the Hula.


So amazing. Thanks to all of you who are working to preserve this amazing dance ritual.


Mahalo (thank you) for covering this beautiful dance, Hula…maybe we can see the competition on primetime CBS next season 😊🌺


I lived on the big island for several years. The Hawaiian dancing and singing is a beautiful tradition. I listened to Hawaiian old and new music and watched the Hulu dancing. What a gift!


I love watching these monarch competition videos. They're amazing.


At a Warriors halftime show in 2019 I saw an incredible hula exhibition for National Polynesian Month. It's a great underrated art!


Hawaiʻi has so many traditional arts that have deep and rich significance on par with any of the finest most deatailed and expensive arts on Earth today. I will always be proud to have been a born and raised Hawaiian. Btw that shell lei the gentleman is wearing at 3:34 will set you back at least $5, 000.


I am so very glad that the culture of Hula and the Hawaiian people is being celebrated- I have a deep appreciation of various cultures and being from New Orleans understand that when I was little, it was considered shameful in many ways to be considered “Cajun”, just as one example, and how freeing it was for Cajun culture to be embraced and celebrated as well as my other backgrounds (French, Spanish, Irish, German)… cultural heritage is our history and ancestry. Songs, music, dance, stories, food, are all part of this. Excellent article. Why not celebrate and understand cultural differences instead of dismissing and fearing


After a surprise visit to the Merrie Monarch festival my life was changed by the beauty, power, history of Hawaii ❤


If you haven't been to Merrie Monarch, you are missing a huge treat. I watch the first half of each of the evenings on Hawaii News Now. It takes place the week after Easter every year. Night #1 is Miss Aloha Hula, Night 2 is Kahiko (ancient
hula) Night 3 is Auwana (modern hula). They also have a very down home parade on Sat. morning. Takes place in Hilo. Like Tahitian pearls-the Tahitians are at the dynamite craft fair with pearls and more. Patrick will be bringing a free show to the hula mound at Prince Kuhiu beach on O'ahu pretty soon. He is a kumu who works in San Francisco and he is very beloved to the entire ethnic dance community here. Thank for this great report.


Thank you so much for this segment! The world needs to know the beauty of the culture in Hawaii. Merrie Monarch is an exciting time. We literally watch hula for hours on end and never tire of it. Everybody is happier during Merrie Monarch.


I absolutely loved learning about this tradition!


Aloha from Hawai'i Island, and thank you for covering the festival!


I'm so grateful to the Hawaiians and their traditions that express their spiritually and historic culture.🙏


Indigenous people should be in the news more


There’s something so spiritual and strong about the traditional hula


"Talking Story" is the way the traditions are kept in focus through Hawaiian generations. Hula is also a way to share the smiles, emotions and flow of the stories. It's the auspicious, interactive and grateful library that lives in everybody. Mahalo🌺
