WINTER SCHOOL: “Safety [...] of the Fermented Food Products” 23/07

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Uma série de palestras sobre "Segurança e Propriedades Benéficas dos Produtos Alimentares Fermentados", pela Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas.
A series of lectures on "Safety and Beneficial Properties of Fermented Food Products", by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Day 2
Microbial interactions: moderator Uelinton Manoel Pinto, University of São Paulo, Brazil
09h-10h: Microbial interactions in food ecosystems. Uelinton Manoel Pinto,
University of São Paulo, Brazil.
10h-11h: The envelope, please: Strategies to selectively manipulate the microbiome. Thiago Monteiro Araujo dos Santos, Northeastern University, USA.
11h-12h: Phage-Bacteria Interactions in Fermented Foods. Alessandra Melo, Laval University, Canada.
13h-14h: Enterococcus/Pediococcus probiotics and their interactions with the host. Nathalie Connil and Meryem Boujnane, University of Rouen, France.
14h-15h: Honey bees–microbiota and benefits. Virginia Alves, University of
Goiás, Brazil.
15h-16h: Fermented Foods as Tractable Microbial Ecosystems. Rachel Dutton, UCSD, USA.
A series of lectures on "Safety and Beneficial Properties of Fermented Food Products", by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Day 2
Microbial interactions: moderator Uelinton Manoel Pinto, University of São Paulo, Brazil
09h-10h: Microbial interactions in food ecosystems. Uelinton Manoel Pinto,
University of São Paulo, Brazil.
10h-11h: The envelope, please: Strategies to selectively manipulate the microbiome. Thiago Monteiro Araujo dos Santos, Northeastern University, USA.
11h-12h: Phage-Bacteria Interactions in Fermented Foods. Alessandra Melo, Laval University, Canada.
13h-14h: Enterococcus/Pediococcus probiotics and their interactions with the host. Nathalie Connil and Meryem Boujnane, University of Rouen, France.
14h-15h: Honey bees–microbiota and benefits. Virginia Alves, University of
Goiás, Brazil.
15h-16h: Fermented Foods as Tractable Microbial Ecosystems. Rachel Dutton, UCSD, USA.