It's Rocket Science! with Professor Chris Bishop

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Starting with the one simple principle that has powered every rocket that's ever flown, Professor Chris Bishop launches through an explosive journey to the moon and back.

This lecture from the Cambridge science festival is packed with demonstrations of the science that sends people into space. A family-filled lecture theatre sees flying projectiles, the fiery combustion of energetic propellants, and the impressive roar and flame of a hybrid rocket engine.
Other great videos from Chris Bishop:

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The parents are as engaged in the lecture as their kids.

That's the power of a good teacher.


All the young people in the room are so lucky to get this kind of lecture at an early age.


This here. Do you want to encourage kids into science? THIS is how you do it. SUPERB lecture!!


He did not use the large screen behind him once! He didn't quote a single example throughout the session! And yet he has captivated me and seemingly hundreds of others. We need more teachers like him and more sessions like these!


I’m a retired physicist. I saw a wonderful lecture just like this as a child after which the only question was whether I would become a physicist or a chemist. All children should have the chance to experience the fun and wonder of science like this. YouTube is a terrific way of sharing this experience.


My father was one of the guys who balanced the Saturn V rocket on 1.5 miles of fire! He designed the Main Engine Controller and computer for the job. Not bad for a man who's first job was cutting down trees with a cross cut saw in the woods of Oregon with horse logging. But it is about the same job to aim a falling tree as to aim a rocket.


3:42 Cannon
5:43 CO2 go-kart
8:53 Full Power: 150, 000RPM, 100N Thrust= 10KG 20kWatts power
12:50 Charcoal, Sulfur, Potassium Nitrate (oxidizer)
16:16 2 Oxygen molecules per Methane molecule
18:05 Nitrocellulose
26:19 Saturn 5
30:20 Center of Mass vs Center of Pressure
45:00 Liquid Nitrogen + Hot Water
46:45 Liquid Oxygen
48:24 Hypergolic rocket engine description
49:46 Hypergolic demonstration
53:40 "Barking Dog"
56:21 Transparent rocket engine


Chris Bishop is one of the best teachers that I have ever seen.


What a fantastic teacher he was born for this. Awesome guy and getting kids excited about science cheers!


As a science educator and rocket amateur, I enjoyed all 58 minutes, well done!


I'm 58 years old, loved science my entire life and I must admit, even though this lecture is directed toward children; it was truly captivating! Mr. Chris Bishop breaks the mold of the 'Stuffy old Science Teacher" and delivers instruction with the stoic excitement you'd expect from a British Instructor from Cambridge. I would love to watch every one of his lectures. Brilliant Job Sir!!


You gottta love Chris Bishop! He is creating future scientists, fascinated by what science can do! Great presentations, fabulous staging, and fantastic and unhurried explanations of what is happening. I am 63 years old now, and used to go to lectures at Harvard University and MIT when I was six years old. The ones at Harvard were done by an emeritus professor of chemistry named Dr. Rokow, another great presenter, to our misfortune, no longer with us. To our great fortune Professor Bishop carries on this fabulous tradition! I am sure that many of the young volunteers in his lectures will end up in science departments at great universities, and go onward to become great people in their own right. Bishop is an inspiration.


I don’t know how I got here but this was quite fun and a very enjoyable lecture.


The happiness in eyes of parents when they see their child enjoying a science show is priceless.


A beautiful lecture with amazing demonstrations! This is how science should reach kids!


one of the best lectures i have ever seen in my great, no words to explain my work professsor Chris Bishop and his team of research scientists.


I wish shows like this could be streamed in Peru and so many developing countries rather than the nonsense Tv shows we have 24 hours a day. This would do nothing more than inspire hundreds of kids and people and let them know there is much more beyond their reality


If my Science teacher was like him. Today I would have became a Rocket Scientist instead of selling Lollypop.😔


One of the most action packed 58 mins I ever had on youtube...BRILLIANT


Saw this years ago and again last night. This is one of the best most engaging lectures ever done. Loved it as an adult and I know I'd have been buzzing for the rest of the week if I went to see this live as a kid.
