Passenger Filmed A Cigar-Shaped UFO In Italy, What Happened Next Is Still Unexplained

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The sky's been busy lately, filled with unusual visitors: many UFOs taking on a cigar shape, others in forms we've come to recognize, and even strange creatures flying high… let’s explore these together

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I live in Ohio and worked outside for the power company for forty years. I have seen several cigar shaped ufo's . Some were all white some white with a black ring around the middle. That's not all that I saw either.


I have a very honest, down to earth friend with a farm in Iowa. Everyone there saw a cigar shaped craft over their property on a regular basis. She said they were so used to it they called them “our friends”.


195, 000 mph? How the fluck did anyone see it or film it? I think your math is off.


Those gigantic cylinder spaceship have been maneuvering on Earth atmosphere since the 1800s


It's probably an alien tour bus coming to watch the animals in the zoo.


I was in a car with 3 other adults and two children when we saw one of the cigar shaped objects high in the sky in broad daylight. It was huge even at the distance and the sun glinted on it made it appear silver. We parked the car in a parking lot to observe, it just hovered there in plain sight for a while, then the back half disappeared suddenly, then the front half. It did not speed off, it just vanished. This happened in Tampa, Florida back in the eighties. I have no explanation for what we saw. I think more people would see things like this if they looked over head more often, maybe?


I saw one of these tube-like cigar UFOs that looked completely white and was 100+ foot long. It was about 23 years ago, and I didn't have a camera-phone then, unfortunately. It was late morning, bright & sunny, cloudless blue sky. I was watching it for a good few minuets as a passenger in a car, and when we drove below it, I looked out the back window of the car to see it moving in the completely opposite direction, as if it had gone into reverse and next, it disappeared from sight! An interesting point about this UFO was where I saw it, which was above a coastal path on what is called the Ridgeway that goes across Dorset on the south/south-west coast. On the part of the Ridgeway where I saw it are lots of tumuli and barrow mounds. These are neolithic and Bronze age burial mounds.


I live in a rural area on a large lot, on a street with other large lots, farmer's fields and a large protected wooden area. After coming back from a shopping trip, I walked outside, past the garage with my dog Levi. While I was watching him walk away towards the back of the lot, a huge oval shape surrounded by lights, popped up in front of me to my left. I yelled for a friend of mine who was in the garage to come quick. I must have sounded like I was being attacked because he ran out to me. He stood beside me while we looked up at the oval shape slowly moving over us in a straight line. Once the object was over a field across the street from us, the shape either disappeared or the lights were extinguished. We could no longer see it. All this took about five minutes. My friend told me this had been a drone, but I can't find any information on huge oval shaped drones with lights that make no noise.


What these sights shows is that we should all put away our fears and prejudices and study these things openly and together until we know what they are.


I’m 67yrs old and I remember hearing about cigar shaped UFO’s back in the 60’s which always fascinated me


You think it's impressive that a UFO is able to keep up with a commercial airliner? You're joking, right?!


If they show up on camera, they know very well they are being filmed. They're getting humans used to seeing them again.


As a German: It's not us this time. Ooohhh, the humanity!!!


You wouldn't even be able to detect a craft going that fast.


The unversed is so vast…We are not


One Night, I saw a really bright straight line above my cabin, wish I took a pic. In the late 1900s looking at the stars from my balcony, I saw a fighting object, it was huge and the speed was incredible. We are not alone, anyone thinks we are the only ones needs to wake up.


The worry I have is that it appears to be different visitors from the looks of the varied designs of the objects. It only takes one bad visitor with bad intentions.


Perhaps just perhaps maybe they're not just visiting us but have already living amongst us. Chilling isn't it??


I want to know what alien race are in those UFOS - Greys, Reptilians, Insectoids, little greens, tall whites, goblin types? 👽


Beautiful creatures 😊 always surprising us with their magnificent advanced technology
Never seen one directly, I wonder how it feels to see one with my own eyes 😮
