Prof. Simon Blackburn | Part 1 | Existence | Life and Death | Free Will

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Prof. Simon Blackburn; Existence, Life and Death, Free Will

In the first part of the interview we are talking about the existence and the concepts along with it with Simon Blackburn. What is existence? What is the meaning of death and life?

MozartCultures is an art and science community of people who are fond of learning and teaching. This community aims to spread art, natural and social sciences wherever the sun rises and sets. In this channel we produce and share with our followers original contents of philosophy, history, psychology, cinema and also translations of our work in some cases. You can stay tuned by subscribing!



►Hilal Üney
►Aybüke Ceren Kiraz
►Azra Muslu

00:00 #Mozartcultures
00:03 #Philosopher
00:15 #Simonblackburn
00:32 - Existence, Life and Death
04:14 - Relation of the body and mind
08:11 - Free will


Editing and animation: Alpagut Aykut Tüzemen


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Gerçekten çok verimli geçmiş çok büyük bir keyif aldım dinlerken 👍


Instead of the Q&A, I think it can be better as a conversation format.


Harika bir röportaj olmuş, tebrik ederim 🙏🏼


Emeğinize sağlık. Çok güzel sorulardı hepsi. Umarım başarılarınızın ardı kesilmez :)


Türkçe altyazı da eklense süper olur 😍


böylesi isimleri yayınlarınıza alıp bizlere fikirlerini ilettiğiniz için teşekkürler mozartcultures :)
röportajın devamı gelecek ise bay simon'a bazı sorularım olacaktı. acaba profesör pek ilgi alanına girmese de kritik rasyonalizm, 21.yy için epistemolojik sorunlar ve bilim felsefesi üzerine neler düşünüyor? soruları ve röportaj akışını siz düzenliyorsunuz biliyorum fakat şansımı denemek istedim :)
kolay gelsin


Türkçe altyazılı olsaydı ne güzel olurdu.


Harikaydı, teşekkürler. 2. Partı ne zaman gelir?


Prof Sımon'un türkçe yayımlanmış kitabı mevcutmudur? Söyleşi harikaydı umarım devamı gelir... Alt yazı eklentisi için ayrıca teşekkürler.. Başarılar...


Such a naive position to take! Asked about the meaning of life you need to express the answer in qualities or even quantities. Why? Because that is what you are asking for when you ask that particular question. So then we ask what is the meaning of life going to be expressed in? Well, clearly not material things, because we as thinking beings only exist by our consciousness. So, we can quickly conclude that the meaning, or value, can only exist in the realm of consciousness, because material things are only valuable to keep the body alive, which is a precondition for you consciousness to exist, or is it? Because in hard scientific fact, as a theoretical physicist I know that we know NOTHING about consciousness, not even the beginning of a clue, except that it exists, not how it works, NOT HOW IT WORKS. There is a lot of mumbo jumbo around, to speak with R.P. Feynman, like “mental cognates” and “qualia” and the “hard problem”, but this is just jargon for hypotheses of correlations, there is no predictive power, the hallmark of a correct physical theory.
So where does the wise-guy writing this see “purpose” and “meaning”? Inside your thoughts. The mental constructs you weave. Your EXPERIENCE of Art. Your EXPERIENCE of being, of love, of poetry, of math. The touch and smile of a baby. The smell of flowers and the feeling of dewed grass under your feet. Those are the glittering prizes that represent purpose and meaning. Is there more? Does there have to be more? But yeah, there may be higher forms of consciousness. There is certainly the pursuit of truth. Of not being duped into believing what powerful people want you to believe. That does not mean that you can change the world and what it believes, but it is already so satisfying, even if harrowing, to know the truth about world events. If that makes me a “to be shunned truther” then so be it. I for one will not go quietly into the night.
