9 Most Mysterious Recent Archaeological Artifacts Discovered!

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From ancient hoards of mythical jewelry left underground to a possible lost civilization destroyed by a volcano, here are ten of the most mysterious archaeological artifacts ever found.

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9. Giant Kites
In Central Asia, you will probably find one of the oldest animal traps in human history. Known as desert kites, they are found in extremely remote areas and very few people have ever seen them. Thanks to aerial photography and satellite data, nearly 5,000 desert kites and arrow formations have been found in many countries.

8. Skystone
Skystone is a very enigmatic and mysterious blue rock. There are different reports regarding how it was discovered, but it is believed to be made mostly out of oxygen and was spotted in a gold pit in Sierra Leone in the early 1990’s.

7. Santorini and Atlantis
While the existence of Atlantis is mostly believed to be a myth, some scholars and scientists of the past have claimed that Santorini is a good candidate for the lost city of Atlantis. According to Plato's account, the advanced civilization was punished by the gods as the people became arrogant and greedy.

6. Plague pit
In 2017, archaeologists discovered what has come to be known as the ‘Plague pit’, which is a mass grave meant exclusively to bury victims of the Black Death. The Black Death was the most notorious and deadliest plague that’s ever beset humanity, leading to an estimated 75 million deaths – on low estimates. Some studies put the number as high as 200 million.

5. Shroud of Turin
The Shroud of Turin has baffled archeologists and scientists alike for years. The shroud is a piece of linen cloth that appears to depict the image of a man in the negative, with the dark coloring appearing against the pale linen background. To many it is a sacred relic that served as the burial shroud of Jesus Christ, used to wrap him after he was taken down from the cross.

4. Codex Gigas
The Codex Gigas (which means ‘giant book’) is a gigantic manuscript from medieval times which weighs around 165 pounds (74 kg)! It is actually the largest medieval manuscript in the world, believed to have been made by just one monk working alone. The 620 pages are almost 3 feet (91 cm) in size!

3. Maine Penny
In 1957, a couple of amateur archaeologists turned history upside-down when they came upon a truly strange artifact. They were hanging out on a friend’s property in Maine exploring the coastline, they came across a bunch of stone chips, knives, and fire pits. Over the years, they kept going back to explore even more when the weather was good and it became known as the Goddard site.

2. Hoard in Kazakhstan
The Tarbagatai mountains are a remote and desolate place, but not too far for archaeologists! They recently uncovered a treasure trove of gold artifacts numbering in the thousands!! It is believed to belong to royal members of the Saka society, Eurasian nomads that were believed to be Scythians.

1. Oldest Handwritten Document
The written word hasn’t been around for forever, so when archaeologists discover old tablets with inscribed text, they’re right to get giddy. That’s why when archaeologists uncovered a set of tablets in London with text on them, they were curious to see where they came from.

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Am I the only one that got click baited by the word 'recent' in the title. I thought I would hear about something I hadn't heard before 😪


The Shroud of Turin was burned and an attempted repair happened in the 1400's. They carbon dated the repair... Pollen only found in Jerusalem has been found on the shroud.


Story #8 How big are these stones? No mention to size anywhere. WHY?


With the discovery of the cocaine mummy’s of Egypt it seems clear that the Egyptians traded globally and the Vikings also.


LOVE your video's I learn all the stuff I wasn't interested in learning in school..now I Find something in EVERY Video


All of this was *OLD* stuff that even this channel has listed multiple times before. How about some new content???? :(


great video. the book is really intriguing


I'm sorry to burst your bubble but Eric the Red was known to have been in Grreenland wayyyy before the english/spanish...
so is not difficult to imagine they would go beyond that and end up in the east coast of "USA"...


My new watch all night till 4 am vids thank you lol I love this


Those animal traps / pits and walls, we've known about those for at least 50 years.


You always have the most fascinating archaeological materials. Keep up the great work 😊


At 14:10 I don't think he knows how to use a (great video though)


What’s going on with the cartoon Katrina, Katrina? I’m always late to videos now I watch before bed 👍 hope all keeping safe thanks for video.


I read about a theory on the Shroud of Turin that makes sense to me. On October 13th, 1307, the Knights Templar were rounded up by order of the French King. (forgive my spelling), Jauquis de Molay, the leader of the order was tortured by nailing him to a door that they opened and closed over and over, even after he had passed out. They took him back to his cell and covered him with a shroud. Observe that the figure in the shroud looks quite European, not like a Jew of Jesus time 'frame. As well, as the video said, the cloth was around the same time as the time period of the Templars being arrested. Just a thought.


Wow how do you know all this keep it up


Always thought that those old tablet was handwritten, what makes you say that the tablet here is the first handwritten tablet is it because the other tablet s are machine written?


3:30 Man!!! Those blue rocks are from airplanes ✈️ 🛩 poop 💩 chute! Smh...🤣


Dear Katrina it would help most people if you label the actual photos that pretain ...


Shroud of Turin is not controversial. It has been thoroughly debunked numerous times. Belief is not equivalent to fact.


Is it just me or the last artifact the tablets that belong to England she said dated back to 2000 BC and then said that they were going to make a museum so they can see what life was like there two thousand years ago even though that should be 4000 years ago
