This call was an emotional rollercoaster...

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My name is Adam Wright and I'm on a mission to help you break free from diet culture and improve your relationship with food, fitness, and your body!

Work With My Team & I:

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My mother hated how she looked and refused to be in any photos. She died last year and I have one picture of her as a toddler and one picture of her as an adult, holding her granddaughter. But you can’t even see her face. That’s it.

When she was dying I literally considered taking a photo of her so I could remember her face. Of course I didn’t, that would have been terrible - and she didn’t look much like my mum anymore. Her hatred of her own body means I will go the rest of my life trying to remember her face and worrying that I am forgetting her.


Yes! I couldn't stand to see myself in pictures. I gave that to my kids who hate pictures now too. Biggest regret.


13 is the age my ED behaviors really kicked off. 10 years later I am still struggling. A huge thing I can offer is to parents or even kids themselves please monitor social media. I would look up so many videos on methods to do and I've had to undo so much of the harmful thought processes I adapted throughout that time. Thank you for spreading awareness Adam you are doing good work, your niece sounds like a good kid 🤍


I was trying not to cry. Tell your niece thank you.


your niece is so lucky to have you to teach her body positivity


To say I hate seeing photos of myself is an understatement, My Mum passed away last month and going through photos I struggled to find one of us together. I don’t want that for my son, I don’t want him to look back and wonder why his Mum isn’t in any of the photos with him, so that’s one of my goals, to take those photos with my child and embrace the memories and laughter of the moment not the worry of what I look like ❤


The people who love you will just be happy to see you. After losing people very very close to me, all I wish is that I had more photos of them. Its helping me to get past my shyness around a camera. Best of love to everyone suffering with body image issues. You're all beautiful and worthy


The world is so twisted by insanely unattainable beauty standards. It's heartwarming to hear of at least one teenager being kind and realistic and not being damaged by this toxicity, I hope her friend can get help and get there too. It's not easy, but it's definitely better to be present and in the photos than the alternative. ❤


Ok you just made me cry, I suffer very heavily from body dysmorphia and you always make me feel a little better about everything, thanks


I cannot tell you how much I needed to see this video today. I’ve had an eating disorder for most of my life, and spent two 3 month stints in residential treatment because of it. I’ve been in recovery for 6 years now.

I’ve been struggling a lot recently as I’m trying to plan my wedding. My husband and I eloped and didn’t have a ceremony, so we’re having one next year for our 5 year anniversary. I’ve just been having a hard time

We also get professional photos taken every year for our anniversary, and I just got them back. I spent the last 30 minutes crying because of the way my body looked in them. I came on here to try to calm myself down and saw this video

It’s hard to keep going every day. But I feel like I always end up seeing or hearing something at exactly the right moment. This video was that moment for me today. So thank you. (And sorry for the novel 😅)


Beautiful quote Adam. Hope your nieces friend, and everyone struggling with body issues learn to love ourselves as we are ❤


Omg yes that quote is awesome 👏👏😭🤩😍😍💖 So cool ur niece called you to talk about this. Praying her friend can get some help. So awesome she at least has a friend like ur niece.


Ah a quote that gets you choked up on the last few words. I'm keeping that


That’s beautiful!

This may be a little morbid, but growing up, my parents had a business that worked alongside funeral homes to print bulletins for ceremonies.

As I got older, it was more and more heartbreaking to have families scrambling to find pictures - usually of a Mom or Sister - for her funeral program because she never thought she looked “good enough” to be in photos.

Yes, they would have loved to have that family member back. Absent that, they would have loved to have more photos & videos to remember them and pass on their memory.

Take the doggone photos & BE THERE! 💚🖤💚


Every person who is missing someone is always wishing that they had more pictures of them.


We had a “throwback” event at my work the other day where we were asked to bring in old photos of ourselves to share. One of my earliest memories is of my mom going through the envelope of freshly developed photos, finding a single photo of herself my father had taken candidly, and ripping it to pieces. I have no photos of her and I can’t recall a single time when my mother and I were in the same photo. That’s when I realized I have no photos of myself either. All I could offer was a single photo taken about ten years ago when I was over 100lbs lighter from a company Christmas party. I look good in the photo but I’m not smiling in it because I felt terrible about myself in that moment. And that’s all there is of me and my past.


I just figured this out as I am about to turn 50. She is wise beyond her years… ❤


Glad you are there for your family, and again I am glad you are spreading body positivity to people who really need to hear that they don't need to fit a mold to be seen as good.


I used to starve myself to the point that i passed out at school i stopped that but my mom stil talks ofton about how i should lose weigh or that there certain foods i cant ever eat becouse i have a slow metabolism i try to ignore it now and just love my self im so glad that i realized what i was doing was wrong.


If only I had friends like your sweetheart niece growing up. I congratulate you and all of us for still being there🎉❤
