User Datagram Protocol Explained | UDP Datagram Communication |UDP | Computer Networks | Simplilearn
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In this video on User Datagram Protocol, we will understand the working of a connectionless and unreliable network protocol. It is applied to transmit real-time data and live network services, like streaming gaming videos, and is active in the Transport layer of the OSI model.
Topics covered in this video on User Datagram protocol are:
1. What Is User Datagram Protocol?
2. Features of User Datagram Protocol
3. UDP Header Format
4. Working of the UDP Protocol
5. Applications of the UDP Protocol
6. UDP vs TCP
#UserDatagramProtocolExplained #UDP #Protocol #ComputerNetworking #ComputerNetwork #Networking #CyberSecurity #Simplilearn
User Datagram Protocol Explained
In this video session, we looked into the working of the UDP network protocol and its beneficial features applied in a communication channel for transmitting data and information.
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✅ Skills Covered
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