2020 Ford Transit Battery Installation Review || battery view: driver seat and housing cover removed

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This video documents the original installation configuration of the 2020 Ford Transit Cargo van battery. I recorded this video while investigating my options for adding a 2nd battery (i.e. a "house" battery) to supply power for auxiliary equipment. My goal was to install a battery that could be charged by the engine's alternator, but not draw current from the battery used to start the engine. In a separate set of videos, I documented the final solution I used to provide a house battery under the passenger seat.
Watch these videos for my final house battery solution:
This DIY, How-To video shares the Design objective, hardware, and materials I used to install a Battleborn LiFePO4 deep cycle battery in a 2020 Ford Transit, under the passenger seat, for use as a "2nd battery (a.k.a. leisure or house battery).
This DIY, How-To video shares the Design objective, hardware, and materials I used to install a Victron DC - DC Smart, Isolated, Charger 12 12 30 in a 2020 Ford Transit, under the passenger seat. It will charge my 2nd battery (a.k.a. leisure or house battery).
Watch these videos for my final house battery solution:
This DIY, How-To video shares the Design objective, hardware, and materials I used to install a Battleborn LiFePO4 deep cycle battery in a 2020 Ford Transit, under the passenger seat, for use as a "2nd battery (a.k.a. leisure or house battery).
This DIY, How-To video shares the Design objective, hardware, and materials I used to install a Victron DC - DC Smart, Isolated, Charger 12 12 30 in a 2020 Ford Transit, under the passenger seat. It will charge my 2nd battery (a.k.a. leisure or house battery).
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