These BIZARRE Aztecs Events Will Leave You Horrified

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The Aztec Empire is one of the most infamous empires in history. From their capital of Tenochtitlan, they ruled over much of Mexico in the 15th and early 16th centuries until their conquest by the Spanish conquistadores, led by Hernan Cortes, in 1521. Today, we explore some of the stranger aspects and events in Aztec history.

The Aztec Empire was ruled by the Mexica, a people from whom Mexico got its name. The Mexica migrated into Central Mexico in the early to mid 13th Century. Aztec legends claim that they came from a homeland called Aztlan. Historians believe the Mexica really came from desert areas in Northern Mexico or the Southern United States, but what or where ‘Aztlan’ was remains unknown.

Famously, the Aztecs claimed that Huitzilopochtli, the God of War and the Sun, told them to settle their new city where they saw an eagle sitting on a cactus. Later recountings of the legend claim that the eagle was eating a snake. They found this sign on the shores of Lake Texcoco, where they founded their city of Tenochtitlan, on the site where Mexico City now stands. This foundation myth is still popular today and the image of an eagle devouring a snake on a cactus remains on the Mexican flag.

The history of the Aztec Empire is difficult to recount because of how little evidence survives. There are no pre-conquest textual histories of the Empire and time has buried much of the archaeological evidence beneath modern cities or lost it to nature. As a result, we only get brief glimpses of individual events for most of Aztec history.

One of the more unfortunate rulers of the Empire was a man called Tizoc. Tizoc rose to power in 1481 following the death of his elder brother Axayacatl. His name meant “He who makes sacrifices” but this proved to be ironic. As part of his connotation war, Tizoc waged a war against the Otomies of Metztitlan, but the new tlatoani captured a mere 40 prisoners for sacrifice - an embarrassingly poor performance. This pathetic display undermined Aztec strength and Tizoc spent his brief reign desperately subduing the fringes of the Empire who had been emboldened by the weakness of their new overlord. Eventually, even Tizoc’s own family wanted him gone. Tizoc was most likely poisoned by his younger brother Ahuitzotl, who succeeded him on the throne and proved a far better warrior and leader.

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Check out the gorgeous hand-crafted jewellery of Serpant Forge here:


Wow, that thousands of natives fought _with_ the Conquistadors because they hated their savage & bloodthirsty neighbors so much.
That says a lot.


You forgot a couple things:
• Pozole, a traditional Mexican dish today, was served in pre-Hispanic times with human meat. Today we just use either pork or chicken.
• Aztecs used a rack called "tzomptantli", where they would show the severed heads of their enemies.
• Aztecs sacrificed a group of Spanish, Caribbean & African travelers (including pregnant women) who were trying to reach Cortes.
• There is a deity in Mesoamerican culture called Xipe Totec: it's a priest dressed with a flayed skin. Rituals often included dancers & priests resembling him.
• Very probably Aztecs liked to brag about their own brutality: it is thought that this "84K people sacrificed in four days" thing was merely a way for Aztecs to show off.

Anyway, nice video XD.


The Aztecs may have been a clear example of what goes around comes around. Feudal and ritualistic barbaric, may have been their downfall with surrounding neighbors, therefore their fall when they needed their help the most.


Thank you for showing the history of the indigenous allies of Spain in Mesoamerica, most people think only the Spaniards made the conquests but their armies were mostly natives.


What a brilliant video. Really fascinating


Because of how there were no horses in in the Americas before Columbus, if you lived in the Aztec Empire, even if you were wealthy, a general in the Aztec army, or a nobleman, you would still have to walk everywhere you went. But, because of how brutal the Aztec Empire was, that would be the least of your problems! Since you would not know even what horses are, you would not know what you are missing and being deprived of.


Two videos in and I'm pleased that you seem to be telling an unbiased and dispassionate view of history without any of the activism seen so often in modern historical narratives. I think you can state that in a conflict such as this neither side were good without being unfaithful to historical fact. As someone who grew up with a desire to teach history, it pains me a great deal to see how personal biases and political ideologies have infected the narrative of our species.


One of the worst things the Aztecs did was declare war against me in every damn Civ V playthrough.


1:34 So, the Mexica people migrated into central Mexico in the 13th century ... with a TIE fighter? Amazing. 🤣


Great vid as usual friend but pretty much we're guessing at 75% of this info ? Prob good educated guesses and it's fun trying to figure what was what! Anyway... Good stuff


Funny how most "sacrifices" human and otherwise are not willing.


The Aztecs was such a beautiful civilization in terms of architecture and scenery but they were a very bloody and gory as a culture. They would kill and draw blood for sacrifices regularly. They killed children in brutal ways. They would wear the skin of their sacrifices and eat them. The kept the heads of the sacrifices on display. And whats worst is that becoming a sacrifice was seen as honorable and many sacrifices were worshipped as the embodiment of the gods. Imagine society praising you as they lead you to a brutal death. They were bizzare and they would not be compatible with the modern world.

I'm sure it was a surreal thing for the Spanish to witness.


I realize the sensationalism of the sacrifices makes good viewing, but I take exception that when the subject of human sacrifice comes up, the first thing out of peoples mouths is, Aztecs. Human sacrifice was practiced by almost every society in the world, from the druids to the Hebrews and much further back. There is some speculation that the Assyrians sacrificed children and newborns to their gods. Yet there is no sensationalism about that. Sacrifices are usually offered to appease their gods in every case. Every society had their way of showing reverence, this was just the Mexica way.


The Roman Empire like to sacrifice humans too


Could the hoops in the ball game be used for holding a net or rope like volleyball instead of being a hoop like basketball?


This video gave a lot good insights for "The Usual Suspects"


The ball game was seen as the recreation of the game played in the underworld by the legendary hero twins. Oh, and thank you very much for pronouncing the x as sh, according to Nahuatl customs.


Correction, there were a ton of textual references to the history of anahuac, but they were burned mercilessly and thoughtlessly by the Spanish invaders


6 lb. rubber ball, presumably solid. Bet that was fun to kick around.
