How To Build A Shed - Part 10 - Shed Door Building

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Cut the door parts
Sandwich and attach the inner and outer door skins
Install the trim on the door exterior
Hang the door on the backyard shed and install door gate hinges
Install gate locking latch hardware

For Shed Plans to this and other sheds please visit our website at

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4:55 Excellent work for sure. I also had trouble figuring how the door lined up with the siding until I enlarged the video to see how you lined up the reveal. It would have been helpful to explain that sometime during the process. I had to watch the video about 5 times before I understood it. The door you designed is by far the best Ive seen.


You guys are awesome. We just built a 12x16 shed using your videos as our family's "Corona Project". Turned out great and taught my kids a bunch of new skills, not to mention an increase in confidence. Thank you!!!


The "How To Build a Shed" series is one of The Best step by step videos I have ever encountered. The verbal instructions are clear, accurate and are synced with the video. Well done, and thank you. Sincerely Tom B.


Absolutely fantastic! In process right now.


What is the purpose of the
1 1/4” overhand on the face panel of the door? Seems to me that with only a 1/2” reveal around the opening that this would cause the front door panel to overlap the shed siding making it protrude out from the shed wall.


Great tutorial, thank you! For security, that latch should be carriage bolted from the exterior and secured with nuts over washers from the interior


Not sure I get the math of having back panel 1” less than opening, yet front panel is to have 1-1/4” overhang all 4 sides. Is this to say that the front panel will be larger than the door opening on all 4 sides? I first understood this to be that there would be a 1/4 gap or reveal around the door once installed, but the math isn’t adding up as I’m ready to place front panel on back/rail assembly which will have 1/2” reveal all 4 sides. If that’s right I’m not understanding the rest. Thanks.


If the outer panel is supposed to overlap the shed, like a cabinet, and then there is trim on top of that panel, how does the door lay flush with the trim on the shed?


How can I make the door more secure as my shed is for storage AND a small workshop with a lot of tools I just inherited... Seems very hard to find hinges and locks that can be easily removed by screws.


Do you have the plans specifically for this door? I have downloaded the plans (and am almost done with the rest of the shed) and the last step will be to build the door. Just looking for the measurements for each section of the door. 


Very clear and concise video!! I will link to it on other YouTube videos. I especially like the door frame.


Hi, thank you for the video. What's the name of the drill bit which holds the long screws in the video at 4:11 ?


I saw the question about how much the cost was to make your shed was $1, 500.00. I was wondering if you purchased your wood at a big box store ie; Lowes or Home Depot?


I'm a bit confused here. If the back panel is 1 inch smaller than the door opening, then how can the front panel possibly have a 1 1/4 inch overhang compared to the back panel? That would mean the front panel is 2 inches larger than the door opening.

Seems to me the front panel should have a 1/2" overhang in order to fit into the door opening.

Doesn't make any sense. What am I missing?


So I've followed most of these videos as the basis for my kids clubhouse (I used the icreatables lean to shed vids). They have been very helpful. The door here somehow makes me have fuzzy math. The back panel and frame are to fit the door opening and the front panel overlays the outside? How far off did you have to put the trim so the door sits flush? Is the offset of the trim the 1.25" of the front panel?


Is there anything you need to do to waterproof the opening? Afraid water would get to the OSB.


Will water not leak into door cracks since there isn't an overhang?


I have a split opening right now, two doors, will the 3 hinges hold up for a 4' door opening? Like the idea of one door...


This system works great. My dorrs have een hanghing 2 yrs now and are still perfect


This door looks promising that it might actually keep out mice. Supposedly mice can squeeze through a gap as small as 1/4". Your door appears to have overlaps that eliminate any large gaps for mice to squeeze through.
