Slow Blues Backing Track In E

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never thought I'd learn how to improvise or solo. Taught myself the minor pentatonic because "someone told me I needed it". I plugged in, put this on just to see what'd happen. Turns out I really can do it and all I needed was a little backing to get me going. I was seriously tempted to cut my losses on guitar but honestly, all you need really is a push in the right direction


I sat here for the whole 10 minutes just playing the e minor scale and jamming out. Never done that before.


My uncle owned a music store and i started playing when i was five . I'm now 54 . I earned discounts by working at the store, sweeping, taking out trash, the older i got the more i did. Ringing up merchandise, stringing guitars & setting intonation . Tune pianos, DELIVER piano's . When he bought the new delivery truck with the hydraulic lift was the happiest day of my life, well up till then anyway. Lol I can't help but hear one of my absolute favoites, Gary Moore's voice telling a DJ in a radio interview when asked what would he tell new guitarists if he could only tell them one thing. I was in my mid - late teens and (we didn't have backing tracks or the internet, we had to make our own) Mr. Gary Moore said he would say ..
"Get out there . Find other musicians and start playing with other people as much as you can . Learn to mesh, be part of the music . There are a million bedroom guitar players who can tear the neck up but when you put them on stage they stick out like a sore thumb . Not in a good way . They are often off tempo, too much or not enough agression, or just the wrong emotion and its such a waste of talent." Over the years that always stuck in my mind & as i got older i noticed more & more it was true & it wasn't just me & actually something we value highly when auditioning a new member, is there any chemistry with the people . A goodly sum of them... well .. suck .. i've been playing in bands and been around guitarists close on 49 years and i see it all the time . You can really spot them if you look for them and they add nothing to the band but rather, usually distract from it . Backing tracks are nice on a Tuesday night and you have to work early wednesday but that's about it . Get out there and play with others . Even if your in different bands. You can't beat the experience and you figure out the parts of music you can't just 'learn' from some one else, like feel and texture, color and tone . There's more to music than volume and gain .. You learn how to feed off what the others are playing and stay in the same "groove" and THAT'S where the magic happens . THAT'S when you have your best shot of "Catching lightening in a bottle" . When you're all on the same plane, there's no feeling like it. & you can't describe it .You have it or you don't. I still play in a band and i often, on nights the band isn't playing, the wife & i'll go to the Fraternal Order of the Eagles or the V.F.W or one of the bars in our little town and she'll sit and watch as just an old Martin and me will play Neil Young . CCR, grand funk RR, CSNY, Beatles, Simon & Garfunkle, The Eagles (who are, BTW, just 1 Joe Walsh away from being a country band lol ) or even Joe Walsh . whatever, anything 'unplugged' for free sprite lol . I get bored playing alone after all these years, and the audience is like playing with others, you get to feed off their energy, you develop a sense what songs will be well recieved and what won't, learn to 'read the room' and its just a fun way to pass an evening . Bringing some music into their lives that they remember, a high school memory, or an old friend or flame and they get that wistful smile from what ever memory the song recalls for them, its the greatest feeling to give someone that gift. It is, really . Then, with the band you can do all that heavier Ozzy and LedZep and Chavelle or Greenday, SRV, Van Halen, The Scorpions, Gary More . UFO, Black Sabbath and my favorite, RUSH !!! So remember what Gary More said and get the hell out THERE and play, don't hide in your room playing alone . Its out there, go get it ! And until you get 'out there', backing tracks are the way to go ..
✌! Good luck !✌


I just realized I’ve been playing along to this for ten minutes nicely done


It's amazing how much your notes come alive playing with a backing track!!


Fingers bleeding.
New strings broken in.
All stresses of the day gone.

Thank you for the therapy session, my friend! 😊


The beauty of this beauty is the space it allows you to play. Great track folks!


I love playing along with this. You're only limited by your mind.


i have a class for guitar and we are supposed to be playing 30 minutes a day but i caught my self at two hours today


Jesus lord all mighty, I just looked this up started improvising a little and my god theres a huge difference when I have this playing


Can’t keep track of time while jamming to this, good thing it’s only 10 minutes and not 10 hours or I’d be up all night without sleeping


As a beginner, this is the best thing I've found.


i’m just imagining the crazy fills and licks that people come up with to this track


You have no idea how much this helped me feel more confident in my guitar practice. Felt like playing scales was getting really old and repetitive but it’s like a lightbulb came on! Started just improvising and its so much fun. Thanks a lot dude! 👍🏻🙌🏻


I come from just playing chords and I stumbled on blues scale and now I'm just jumming. it's wonderful


Barrels were great. Johns turns were next level (even for him). Ivan is a master tube rider. Nathan is surfing as good as ever! Keep up it Florences!!!


Kudos to the band! What a fun jam. I only started to run out of ideas right at the end.🤣 Thanks for this!🔥


I've been playing along with this for two hours! Thanks


Great track, Playing along with this track makes me feel the blues ;)


es difícil explicar lo entretenido que esto puede ser.. Muchas gracias al genio que subió esto
