What's behind the rise in political violence in Mexico? | Inside Story

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Almost 100 million Mexicans are eligible to vote in the general elections on June 2.
It's historic -- not only for being the largest vote in the Latin American nation's history but because it's almost certain the next president will be a woman.
Current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador expanded the military and the role it plays in society.
He pledged to crack down on corruption and organised crime.
Have his policies improved the lives of Mexicans?
And what problems will his successor inherit?

Presenter: Cyril Vanier


Carlos Bravo Regidor -- Political analyst and associate professor of journalism

Maureen Meyer -- Vice President of Programs at the Washington Office on Latin America, an NGO that promotes rights, democracy and social and economic justice in Latin America

Falko Ernst -- Senior Analyst on Mexico at the International Crisis Group. He's lived in communities in Mexico controlled by organised crime

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Please, get people that really understand mexican Politik and history to be in the program.


This piece says more about Al Jazeera's agenda than the topic. As a Mexican, I am very disappointed with this biased report. Why not talk about the historic infrastructure projects, or social programs such as the pensions for the elderly, scholarships for youth, aid to the poor. The crime issue was inherited from the last 70 years of neoliberal politics. Mexicans are not stupid Al Jazeera.


The U.S. government official should talk about her government's interference in Mexico.


AL Jazeera, you need to check your sources, this guys is only telling lies, most poor Mexicans, like working class, farmers, etc., are really pleased with AMLO´s government and will definitetly vote for the second part of the transformation. Our economy is very good and the unemployment rate is in historical lows.


Why don't they talk about the improvements of the current government?


You only interviewed 1 side of the story. You didn't background check the political preferences of your interviewees . Also, you gave the most superficial explanation of what the opposition is.


Shake on this analysis. Calling a government populist without caring about mentioning anything about macroeconomic policy, fiscal policy, foreign investment. Wondering why a government remains strong and why the people favors it without asking only opponents is a sign of excellent journalism. Last but not least. M, non of your guests talk about the judiciary being one of the most corrupt entities in Mexico and granting impunity to known criminals.


Astonishing how uninformed this content is


Very important FACT.... In Mexico the executive power (the president) and the judicial power (the judges and judicial system) are separated, many of the judges and senior officials of the judicial system are bought, that is why justice in Mexico does not arrives, President AMLO has exposed them on many and about the electoral system, we also know that it does not work due to corruption. AMLO is in favor of democracy. All public positions must be chosen by the people of Mexico


This women is talking about people receiving orders from the drug cartels on who to vote for when we are days from knowing that >58% Mexicans (according to polls) will vote for MORENA is very very very irresponsible and her comment is poisonous.


The choice if images about drugs and trash in the streets could very well be of any street in any big USA City.


There are many misconceptions here. As an academic who has read numerous essays written by foreigners, particularly white researchers, about other cultures, I have witnessed firsthand how their misconceptions of nonwhite people, or those they perceive as lesser, influence their writing and their perceptions of what they experience in these communities.


Amlo is the best president Mexico has ever had! The opposition is not even close to catching up to Morena and that is due to the fact that everyone is waking up.


Does Al-Jazeera actually do serious journalism?


I think Carlos missed the mark as well when he stated that people seemed to ignore the problems of security. What he is not acknowledging is that mexicans are pretty aware that this monster was created and maintained for 70 years by the PRI party. That when PAN arrived they had to collect the pieces and tried to solve it with a different approach that turned out to be awful and that Morena is now tackling the problem from a different angle. We are witnessing social regulation, society is wise, so why treating this topic in a shallow manner?


“Almost 100 million Mexicans “🙄😱 is he drunk?


This guys were so biased, next time invite other analysts with a different point of view.


As a Mexican living abroad, this interview has motivated me to make sure that I vote for Sheinbaum in June 2024. Plan C must go forward; Mexico needs a judicial reform, otherwise the powerful and the criminal will continue using the Judicial power (as they always have, even before Lopez Obrador, our current president) to not face any consequences for their actions. We Mexicans want those changes, the judicial power is corrupted and provides impunity to powerful criminals.


What happened with AlJazeera? I am amazed at this horrible super biased content. As other comments say, misconceptions; forgetting to talk about Calderon, PAN or PRI; or about previous elections; or about previous electoral fraud; etc. Shame on you, AlJazeera.


When they are ready to talk about the arm traffic from the USA and the drugs circulating in the USA under the nose of every level of government then we can have a decent discussion.
