Jenkins CLI Tutorial | Create, Build and Delete Job Using Jenkins CLI Commands With Authentication

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In this video, I will discuss various commands which can make the Jenkins administrator task easy.
We will discuss different commands like build job, create job, delete job etc with different flags.

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This is really so helpful and easy too[You make it more easier to understand 😉]. I felt this a bit faster. 💖 it. Thanks for this video Mukesh Sir. 👌


Nice work with API token. I was looking for this for some time now


Hi, how can I 'retry' the last build in a job using Jenkins CLI via commandline?


Hi Sir,

I have created cucumber (6.10v) project when I am running Project in Jenkins but some of testcases are getting failed due to application(it was giving unauthorised popup) was not stable.
For that I have created rerun(cucumber junit). But to run the whole project it takes around 6 hours.

So, i have tried parallel(junit) execution using in this case rerun testrunner was not working

Can you please give suggestions how I can run multiple test cases same time and as well as rerun testrunner

Please give me suggestions.


Hi Can I connect to an already running build to stream the logs if I have the build number?
I couldn't find any documentation on the same


Hi there, I have a requirement "“To be able to invoke Jenkins job remotely through REST API with JWT authentication " can you please help on how this can be achieved ?


When I bulid a job a floder for the job when I rebuild the job the old floder is over ride the nee floder while over ride the build some floder getting delete how to over the problem in jenkins


Hi Mukesh, thanks alot for sharing very valuable content on Jenkins CLI.
I have 2 questions on Jenkins
How do we run postman collection tests in different environments say dev, QA, UAT etc via Jenkins and my code is in Git. Pls help with this as am yet to implement this part and everything ( I have environments and security authentication API which has environment specifuc credentials )in my local is fine. 2) I have security API in my collections which has basic authentication and am passing security token to all other requests in collection. Am maintaining these credentials in pre requisite scripts and my requirement is to use the passwords only at run time and I should not checkin the passwords into GIt (This is a governance issue if check in). So how do we handle this and run tests successfully via Jenkins using git source control. Would be much appreciated if you can help with it. May be a code snippet or some steps how to handle this. I believe this is a common issue at any organization if we are running In any CI pipeline.
Thanks again


what about mac after downloading is not granting me permission to access to that jenkin cli path what shoud i do now? i have given permission from my preferences but still its showing me error as permission denied :(
