Carving A Woodspirit Into a Hiking Staff with 2 Tools-- Beginner Woodcarving Tutorial

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#aleclacasse #woodcarving #whittle
Carve a wood spirit into a 1 1/2" diameter willow hiking stick with just a 1 1/1/4" knife and a 1/4" V-tool!
Check out my online carving school by clicking the link below:
Affiliate Links:
Flexcut 6-piece set
Also use this discount promo code on your next Kutzall carving burr purchase!
Discount code: LACASSE
at the website below!
3M Face shield
Makita Chainsaw 5012b
Ryobi Rotary Tool 1.2amp:
Manpa cutter head:
Makita angle grinder:
Purchase the Flexcut knife here:
Carving Glove:
2” x 2” x 5” Basswood Blocks:
Leather Strop for sharpening:
Honing Compound for Strop:
Spray Finish For Carving:
Artist Paint Brushes I use:
Artist Paint for Carvings:
Super Glue Accelerant:
Gorilla Glue Super Glue:
Purchase the Flexcut Multi Jack here:
Check out my one day online workshops here:
What I use to sharpen my tools:
Carve a wood spirit into a 1 1/2" diameter willow hiking stick with just a 1 1/1/4" knife and a 1/4" V-tool!
Check out my online carving school by clicking the link below:
Affiliate Links:
Flexcut 6-piece set
Also use this discount promo code on your next Kutzall carving burr purchase!
Discount code: LACASSE
at the website below!
3M Face shield
Makita Chainsaw 5012b
Ryobi Rotary Tool 1.2amp:
Manpa cutter head:
Makita angle grinder:
Purchase the Flexcut knife here:
Carving Glove:
2” x 2” x 5” Basswood Blocks:
Leather Strop for sharpening:
Honing Compound for Strop:
Spray Finish For Carving:
Artist Paint Brushes I use:
Artist Paint for Carvings:
Super Glue Accelerant:
Gorilla Glue Super Glue:
Purchase the Flexcut Multi Jack here:
Check out my one day online workshops here:
What I use to sharpen my tools:
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Carving A Woodspirit Into a Hiking Staff with 2 Tools-- Beginner Woodcarving Tutorial
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