MASSIVE NEWS Coming to ACX??? | Audible Audiobook Publishing

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Join us for an eye-opening discussion on the impact of Brandon Sanderson's stance on publishing audiobooks onto Audible (by way of ACX, Audiobook Creation Exchange). Discover how his actions may reshape the future of audiobook royalties and transparency through the business owned by Amazon. Dive into the nuances of Audible's royalty structure and its implications for authors.


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- Dale L. Roberts

@AudibleACX @BrandSanderson
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Great video, as always! Brandon Sanders is not only a great writer but using his position to help the indie author community is truly a blessing and an inspiration.


Thanks for the info update Dale. I plan to release a audio book this year and next year and was wondering about who to go with, think Spotify maybe a better go to at the moment. I always appreciate your informative videos, you are awesome!🎉


So far this has been horrible news for recognized indie publishers on Audible (not ACX). They slashed all prices across the site because lower prices = lower payouts per credit, so even though on paper they may end up paying higher "rates" to authors, Audible has used Brandon as an excuse to rake even more money for itself while cutting profits for independent publishers. ACX will be a better deal than being under a publisher.


Love the information you share! I'll look forward to hearing what you think about the KDP audiobook virtual narration.beta.


Another great video! 🎥 And I will get my latest book published on ACX because I found a great narrator who will split the royalties. Even though I told him it would not be a high volume at all, he loved my book and was recording as I type. I am excited about getting my book in an audiobook format, first because of the initial quotes, then not being happy with being a beta for Amazon, and they used a computer-assisted narrator. Overall, scary good, but the little problems added up to not wanting to have my book on the market, and I pulled it after just one day. 📚🎙


@DaleLRoberts - RE AudibleGate, it looks like the website was last updated back in 2021 (or possibly 2022 with it's last podcast episode as per Podbean). What am I overlooking here in terms of access to latest and greatest information from this website?


Thank you for the video Dale that was very interesting and great information. I have only of my fiction in audio and it is on ACX but I have got it as non-exclusive and I also put on Authors Republic. When I get enough money I will use Authors Republic from now on as they give a greater return. ❤


Wow great information 👍 I am a Fairly new book publisher definitely interested in doing audio books. Do you have any recommendations on how to start in this process? Thank you in advance 😁


RIP Pebble Time, the best watch I've ever owned. Gone But Not Forgotten.


Hey Dale, do you ever think ACX will accept audiobooks as audiobooks alone, not requiring an ebook or paperback to link to? And have you ever mentioned to them about how their decibal & peaks blah blah blah requirements can often be a nightmare to get upload to ACX itself? Its almost better to let the agregators get their cut than to upload to ACX direct STILL IN 2024! Ive had so many tiny little issues that are ridiculous to try & fix & even when finally get the one fixed, it creates a brand new issue on something else. Ive never had an issue on any other platform ever. Only ACX every single audiobook ive ever uploaded. Theres always something that you cannot even hear with $300 headphones on😂 If they want robotic audiobooks then they should only allow AI generated audiobooks. Its always been insanely nitpicky & I cannot believe that its still like this in 2024.


Good stuff to hear...still, I'd like to see Audible get rid of the concept of owning you material for 7 years. Damn!


Great to hear but I still are not going to get an audio books way too pricey to do it correctly.


Also, what about the SEVEN YEAR contract?


The total lack of details makes me skeptical. Also he apparently doesn't understand that we authors deal with ACX and not Audible.
On, it's NOT 25 percent to 40 percent, it's 20 percent to 40 percent.


Bruh, with 41Mill he could start an Audible competitor


That's great and all but it's been 4 months and still nothing 🥲
