Teachers Call Out the Worst and Most Entitled Parents

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In this episode, we're joined by special and hilarious guest @Comedianeddieb! We share the most uncomfortable parent-teacher conferences we've ever had... From parents not believing actual camera footage of their child assaulting another kid, to the helicopter parent asking their child's teacher to text her every time her precious angel poops at school.

To end the show, we try the weirdest and grossest snacks students LITERALLY eat at 8:00am every day. This may or may not go well...

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The fact that *no one else on the show* got what Eddie was talking about when he was talking about Chick-Fil-A workers and McDonald's/Popeyes students cracked me up. That line had me cackling.


I've been working as a certified teacher for almost 25 years. My main philosophies: "I am your teacher, not your friend." "You give respect and you get respect" "You Choose the Behavior, You Choose Consequences"


My mom was the stereotypical immigrant parent who only took A's. Like I got an 87 and I cried. Then I had this one teacher, I got straight F's, I was written up EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Literally every day, my mom had to stop coming because her work couldn't keep letting her go to my school at the same time every day. Before that teacher I had never been written up, I had never struggled in school, no teacher had any complaints, the other teacher I had that same year (we had one for math and science, and another teacher for history and English) adored me and was shocked to hear the other hated me so much. The second teacher tried her best to stand up for me.
My mom was super upset with me for all of one week before seeing the pattern and talking to my other teacher to confirm I wasn't just being a brat. After that she went from super attentive, "I'm so sorry, I will make sure she doesn't ever do that again." to "Yeah, yeah, I know she's in trouble, like always. I'll sign the write-up when she gets home." Can you imagine how bad a teacher has to be for a latina "I didn't move to this country and work my butt off for you to not get good grades!" mom to just brush off F's for a whole year?
What I hated most was when she'd give an assignment, she'd change the rules after it was turned in. So even though my answers were correct, they'd be wrong because I, along with half the class, didn't follow the rules that she didn't give us until we turned it in. The teacher retired after my class. I've had amazing teachers, me and my mom just really hated that one.


I knew exactly what he meant when he was talking about Chick-fil-A versus Popeyes and McDonald's. Those Chick-fil-A kids are going somewhere. Those other kids may be in same situation for the rest of their lives.


My daughter had a teacher who was absolutely INCREDIBLE. She had this Teacher for 3rd grade and then when she was going into 5th grade she got the same teacher. She flourished with that teacher. I loved her so much. And I gave her gift cards, and she loved doing crafts. So I would get her a craft whenever I found a cool one.She ended up leading a craft group and I was part of. We become friends when she was in 4th grade. And I told her not to be worried my daughter knew and expect special treatment. She didn't know we were friends. And she actually had my daughter excelling in 5th grade. And she was able to even tutor her for her difficult subjects.


When my oldest daughter was in preschool, age 3.5 she was very quiet at school and non-stop at home, including reading out loud. During the Christmas program she stood on stage with probably 30 other kids and just didn’t even move her lips, just silent. As soon as we got in the van to go home she sang every song of the entire program with gusto!!!! She’s now 24 with a B.A. in creative writing and still quiet in public and nonstop chatter when she comes over to visit.


😂😂😂 eddie is keeping it real. he said grandparents are 36 years old these days 😂😂 💀


we miss mrs rogers and mrs richardson.


Eddie, thank you for working in alternative schools!! I’ve been to 2 and school was our only highlight of the day. The teachers really make a difference I’m now at home and I still think about those teachers. They really are hero’s, so thank you!


Now I understand fully why my sons teacher's thanked me for communicating, and being involved. I was young and assumed that all parents were involved at the level I have always been. Education is important.


School Counselor here!
Thank you for speaking up & recognizing the work that we do!
I work in a rural area and I can confirm our caseloads are extremely large and we do need more counselors.
Would love to see a guidance counselor on future episodes ☺️


My Grandma WAS the classroom grandma for my little sister's kindergarten class and then STAYED on for the next 5 years. The teacher and her family are still part of our family. This was over 20 years ago. ❤️


Haha we used to have “room moms” in the early grades (this was in the early 90s!) They would help out on a day with a big craft, make phone calls to get things for classroom parties, stuff like that. That’s what I thought of when you were talking about class grandmas 💖


I had to laugh when I heard Tell talk about the parent who wanted to be alerted whenever their child pooped. I taught first grade for years, and one of my co-workers had a parent get angry because the teacher refused to wipe the woman's son when he pooped at school!


It makes me so sad hearing how uninvolved parents are in their child’s education:( I remember parent teacher conference nights and it wouldn’t be that packed . My mom was a single mom with very minimal support working 50 plus hours a week in corporate and running her own business. She always came to my parent teacher conferences and encouraged me to and helped me to do well in school even tho she knew I didn’t really like school that much she was still very much present.


"Jesus, get yo' crooked disciple." I have said that so many times in 12 years between teaching high school and college and now as an administrator.


When I was studying psychology I actually went and sort of shadowed my best friends mom because she was a sped teacher at an alternative charter school and it broke my heart to see kids who want support desperately and their parents wouldn't see the need for it. Yall dont get paid enough.


you get some parents that don't want what is good for their child, like a middle school student that can't do the work, but the parent refuses to put them in EC. Yet the coward principal will pass them even if they should have failed


My teacher had her son in class one time because his teacher SLAPPED HIM DURING A FIRE DRILL FOR GETTING OUT OF LINE


I feel like schools definitely need some kind of counseling for children. The social workers in my school seem to dump it off on the teacher and make us feel like it's our problem in our fault
