Mechanics I | Learn with Videos | BM Sharma | Cengage Digital | JEE 2024 | JEE (Main) & (Advanced)
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Mechanics I | Learn with Videos | BM Sharma | Cengage Digital | JEE 2024 | JEE (Main) & (Advanced)
#cengage #iit #jee
Learn with Videos JEE Physics: Mechanics I, a Cengage Exam Crack Series® product, is the complete set of video content on the Cengage Digital app designed to help aspirants significantly enhance the level of their JEE preparation. All videos are developed by our best-selling Physics author Mr. B. M. Sharma.
The content in this product is crucial from the exam preparation standpoint and provides a roadmap for subject-specific learning. With the help of video content, aspirants can learn concepts anywhere from their mobile devices or laptops and at their own individual pace, which will maximize the results of e-learning.
The digital content approaches the subject in a very systematic manner to help build a conceptual understanding of each topic. Apart from theoretical explanation, most of the topics are explained with the help of examples/case studies also for easy mastering of concept applications.
1. 92 hours of videos developed by our best-selling author Mr. B. M. Sharma.
2. Total 268 videos covering all chapters of Mechanics I on Cengage Digital App.
3. The chapter and topic sequence of videos in this digital product is in the same order as that in the print book available on the market.
Videos on Cengage Digital App
1. Dimensions and Measurement (5+ Hours) (17 Videos)
2. Basic Mathematics (11+ Hours) (29 Videos)
3. Vectors (7+ Hours) (22 Videos)
4. Kinematics I (13+ Hours) (47 Videos)
5. Kinematics II (8+ Hours) (22 Videos)
6. Newton’s Laws of Motion (Without Friction) (16+ Hours) (49 Videos)
7. Newton’s Laws of Motion (With Friction) (7+ Hours) (21 Videos)
8. Work, Energy and Power (8+ Hours) (21 Videos)
9. Circular Motion (11+ Hours) (40 Videos)
1. Learn with Videos JEE Physics: Mechanics I (With 1 Year Validity)
2. Learn with Videos JEE Physics: Mechanics I (With 2 Years Validity)
Cengage India ECOM Products Buying Options --
1. Download and Install Cengage Digital App
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Best of luck with your JEE preparation!
Happy Learning!
#cengage #iit #jee
Learn with Videos JEE Physics: Mechanics I, a Cengage Exam Crack Series® product, is the complete set of video content on the Cengage Digital app designed to help aspirants significantly enhance the level of their JEE preparation. All videos are developed by our best-selling Physics author Mr. B. M. Sharma.
The content in this product is crucial from the exam preparation standpoint and provides a roadmap for subject-specific learning. With the help of video content, aspirants can learn concepts anywhere from their mobile devices or laptops and at their own individual pace, which will maximize the results of e-learning.
The digital content approaches the subject in a very systematic manner to help build a conceptual understanding of each topic. Apart from theoretical explanation, most of the topics are explained with the help of examples/case studies also for easy mastering of concept applications.
1. 92 hours of videos developed by our best-selling author Mr. B. M. Sharma.
2. Total 268 videos covering all chapters of Mechanics I on Cengage Digital App.
3. The chapter and topic sequence of videos in this digital product is in the same order as that in the print book available on the market.
Videos on Cengage Digital App
1. Dimensions and Measurement (5+ Hours) (17 Videos)
2. Basic Mathematics (11+ Hours) (29 Videos)
3. Vectors (7+ Hours) (22 Videos)
4. Kinematics I (13+ Hours) (47 Videos)
5. Kinematics II (8+ Hours) (22 Videos)
6. Newton’s Laws of Motion (Without Friction) (16+ Hours) (49 Videos)
7. Newton’s Laws of Motion (With Friction) (7+ Hours) (21 Videos)
8. Work, Energy and Power (8+ Hours) (21 Videos)
9. Circular Motion (11+ Hours) (40 Videos)
1. Learn with Videos JEE Physics: Mechanics I (With 1 Year Validity)
2. Learn with Videos JEE Physics: Mechanics I (With 2 Years Validity)
Cengage India ECOM Products Buying Options --
1. Download and Install Cengage Digital App
Register/sign-up (For new user)
Check the listed 'Learn with Video' products in 'BUY' section
Add to cart and buy
2. From Cengage India website
3. From Amazon
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Best of luck with your JEE preparation!
Happy Learning!