London Real/David Icke, Investigation Update

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The livestream of David Icke on the London Real platform happened on Sunday 3rd. This is an update on what happened before and after the livestream, focusing on Brian Rose of London Real, and the bigger issues that it brings up.

References in this film include:

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David, you continue to demonstrate that calm and patient rationality is the sharpest weapon against hyperbolic and overly-dramatic nonsense. As Yoda said, the dark side is "quicker, easier, and more seductive, " but not more powerful than the light side. Even though this channel may not be as big as some of the others in the "alternative sense-making" space at the moment, this approach will pay dividends in the long run. It's a privilege to have known about you guys early on, and I look forward to watching the saga as it continues. Thank you guys so much.


"trust me, we're doing this for your protection" sound familiar?


Why focus on Brian Rose when you work with BBC and Channel 4. If they, the main steam media, provided a platform for free speech Brian Rose would not exist


I have a gift, as I think many others do, of not throwing the baby out with the bath water. I've never "liked" or "trusted " Brian, but I derive much benefit from his interviews. I derive much benefit from listening to David Icke (great example: the last 30 minutes of this latest interview were incredibly powerful for anyone, whether you agree with David on other issues or not).

The dogmatic nature of many of the comments here are missing the point. I'm not quite sure why this has to be such a black and white issue, nor why just because Brian is [likely] a narcissist, we can't benefit from what he gives to the world. I've never given him money, and if rebel wisdom ever asks for money, I won't be giving them any money either.

One lesson I've learned in life is, nearly all of the influential or powerful people out there are either seriously flawed or seriously evil. But I'm not going to stop listening to what they say (and looking for the truth or whatever resonates with me) just because someone "exposed" them. The funny thing is, just a couple weeks/months/years ago, many of you here were eating out of Brian's hand. Perhaps you're ashamed to admit that. Whether you are hanging on someone's every word or distrusting everything they say, you're basically coming from the same ego space. Why not, instead, listen, take what resonates and leave the rest?


A lot of failed used car salesman have struck gold on YouTube.


Brian Rose has always creeped me out yet I watched him as I was interested in some of his guests and Brian seemed to me to be good at these interviews. However I could not get over how Mr Rose left me feeling uneasy, so much so that I unsubscribed to London Real and avoid the company of Mr Rose wherever I can. I also believe that despite its viewings, David Icke's message has been highjacked by his appearance on London Real. In fact he's now been taken down by YouTube after all the years he had of freely spreading his message on that platform. However Brian Rose has seen his own income and publicity rise. I admit he and others like him scare me.


I've always found there to be something unsettling about the tone of London Real. Which has stopped me subscribing to them even though they've done good interviews with people I like. Now it's like that weirdness has become amplified 100 times. They look as though they're setting themselves up as the UK's answer to InfoWars.


What do you expect from a man who has a giant painting of himself hanging in his office 😒


The real story here is that of censorship, you too will be censored eventually. I like what Rose and LR are doing but you're right to investigate. However I don't see you standing up for free speech very often. Perhaps we should investigate you?


Don't care where it is filmed. I care about the content of the videos and what Judy Mikovits says There is too much out there to be ignorant.


Rose is coming off more and more disingenuous while presenting subjects I genuinely care about and am interested in. It's extremely aggravating


Thanks David, great analysis as usual. I think the elephant in the room is the information David Icke is presenting, it would be helpful if you could comment on this as a stand alone subject. I watched a Brian Rose video a while ago and he was doing it with his top off (weird) and he was in his office with a massive photo of himself on the wall (really weird). He is clearly a self promoting narcissist but the David Icke interview seems genuine. Rose just lets Icke talk and get his message across which is good interview technique in my view.


Get Brian Rose, David Icke, Sergei Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates all on the same room and have Jordan Hall, Daniel Schmachtenberger, and David Fuller as moderators.


Whats really odd is how hard the youtube algo keeps pushing London real on me...doesn't really line up with his censorship claims


So you investigate him. Who investigates you or Google?


Thanks for your interpretation. Even if I do not agree with al your interpretations. That is what free speech is about, learning from other idea’s.


There's something suspicious about Brian Rose and the whole London Real movement, the basic premise is fine in principle, but I'm expecting the invoice soon.


Get shut down and ruin my Sunday? For my protection? Get over yourself man.


I'm gonna have to give this one a listen again. I'm not entirely convinced of your hypothesis, so I'll do some research. Thanks


You have good points on the game, but I think your personal attacks on him is off mark because it focuses on execution stage technicalities when he so far delivers end product paid for.

People paid to have him host content censored elsewhere and fight to keep it up. And post specific interviews. He seems to be doing that.

It is too early to tell if he will deliver on a decentralized non-ad-funded content platform.

Now, is he playing an antagonistic game or taking up a fight against powerful psychopathic opponents? That is an interesting question.
