Epiphany: What We Never Learned - Explaining the Faith

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What is the true meaning of the Epiphany (Three Kings) and why is it one of the most important days in the Church calendar? Fr. Chris Alar explains what you never learned, but need to know, about this season on this episode of Explaining the Faith.

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We are blessed to live in a time where Catholic online content is so good and so accessible. ✝️


I love when Father takes us to
Thank you father!!!


I appreciate Fr. Chris and these talks so much! Saying "thank you" isn't even adequate as to how instrumental and important these talks are to us, the people of the Church. We are learning so much. Thank you, Thank you!!


Saturdays are not complete without your catechetical talk Fr. Chris. Video shared all over the world. Thank you for keeping us closer to Jesus. God bless.♥️🙏🏻


Thank You for this lesson on the Epiphany...I'm a convert who came to Catholicism in 1970 but I didn't get the information about the Catholic faith I should have but I have studied and read the Bible since I was a small child...I was raised to read and study by my mother and developed a love for my faith and in God what I do know now is because of my devotion. I have wanted to take the classes for new Catholics but age and health issues have kept me from taking them. I do so appreciate this lesson this evening truly enjoyed it. Love and God Bless. †


Thank you Father and I thank my Uncle who sent me this link yesterday Sunday. I have realized that these teachings alone can change the world at Large, and I believe if I listen to them daily, my thinking will change completely! I have only been going to church and not knowing so many things.


Prayers n blessings father, thank you for all you do


Thank you Fr Chris Talks #80 we are so blessed to have you as our Spiritual Lector every Saturday. We learned a lot from your teachings for free. Praying for you, your Parents Pam all the MIC and Marian Helpers. Thank you Br Mark for assisting Fr Chris. God bless everyone ❤️🙏


Thank you Fr Chris for educating all Catholics that not know the history of our religion. It helps us grow closer to our Lord. May God continue to Bless you.


I thank God every day for leading me to you. God bless you and all of the Marian priests who dedicate their lives to bringing souls to our Precious Lord Jesus.


Fr. Alar, you are a gift, your love for God and our faith is infectious and endearing. Thank you for helping me and my brothers and sisters understand our faith!


Fr.Chris, with your burning zeal in bringing the words of God and planting it into our lives help us to seek Him, strengthens our faith and makes it fully alive. Like the three Wise men, who encountered and experienced the presence of Jesus, passed another way back, an enlightened soul after knowing Him, would surely not go back to the old self. Thank you, Fr. Chris for being our good preacher and teacher.


Now this video has over 238, 000 views❤🙏🏼 Thank you Fr. Chris 🙏🏼 And you are so right, if we as Catholics were educated in our beautiful faith our love for the Lord and the Church would grow by leaps and bounds! 🙏🏼💕💕💕


Thank you, Fr. Chris for giving us excellent Catholic catechesis, theology, tradition, etc, but doing it in a way we all can understand. And for free as well 😁


Hi Father Chris, thank you so much for all that you do. I know you say you don’t sleep much in preparation for your teachings. I love the way you explain the faith and I am eternally grateful. God bless you!
And if you’re a Michigan fan, congrats on the Rose Bowl/national championship 🏈


Thank you Fr. Chris and all the Marian fathers. God bless you all for opening up so many eyes and souls that have been closed for too long.


Thanks be to God for having a priest like Rev. Fr. Chris.Alar. Really explained to all to understand what we must have to know and learned❤


Whenever you think you knew your Bible and Catholic teachings, here comes Fr Chris and blow your mind with a new enlightenment, facts, revelation and wisdom.
The “bible” the only Book that His Author is forever alive and present..! God bless you father and blessed Epiphany to all 🙏


I have learned so much from going back to seminary with Fr. Chris. My faith is deeper and my heart is fuller from the work of the Marian Fathers. Praise be to God! Thank you, Fr. Chris, and God Bless.


My attempt to explain my epiphany yesterday
After watching the Purgatory movie, I was moved to pray more for the Holy souls and I wrote a slightly different version of the prayer below about a month ago and I was trying to pray it every day. It never felt right or complete until yesterday on 1/7/22. I was in church during adoration and after several minutes of prayer I closed my eyes and cleared my thoughts to listen and became aware that my heart was beating louder. I started to be more aware of my breathing rhythm too and this prayer came to mind. I opened my eyes and saw the crucifix on the altar and completed the part in the prayer about uniting the prayer to the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and the prayer now feels complete. Imagine how many partial indulgences I can obtain for the Holy souls if I keep this going every day. Thousands!!! I hope some more people can do this.

Lord Jesus Christ through the Immaculate Heart of Your Most Holy Mother Mary I am thankful and grateful for all You have given me. All that I am and have is Yours. I ask to unite every breath I take and every beat of my heart with Your sacrifice on the cross as an indulgence for the holy souls in purgatory that are most in need of Thy mercy. Amen 🙏
20 + C + M + B + 22 Christus Mansionem Benedicat
