Chicken illness and euthanasia for beginners

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What to expect when your chickens reach end-of-life. How to know when chickens are suffering. Common causes of death. When and how to euthanize.

00:00 My experiences with illness and death
01:28 First experiences with a dying hen
03:39 How long does chicken death take?
04:43 Most common cause of sudden death
05:58 What to expect with a natural death
08:55 Common causes of illness/death in laying hens
10:00 Ovarian/oviduct cancers
11:25 Internal laying
12:00 When intervention prolongs suffering (Penny the hen)
14:59 When to euthanize your chicken
19:25 How to euthanize your chicken
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I lost my very first chicken year's ago, and like you, I cry every time. My girls are more than just egg layers, and part of the family. This is a very informative video and worth sharing, particularly to those who have not experienced a sick chicken in their flock. Thank you for always taking the time to educate others.


I’ve just recently lost 3 hens who I believe to have been egg bound. I’ve been too devastated to necropsy but with this 4th hen, I’m feeling like I need to know what this looks like inside. I still don’t think I can but there’s zero good information that I can find…. I’m in tears and snot watching this video and this is just what I needed as I sit here with my dying hen whom I love, beside me. 😪😪😪


Thank you. I watched this earlier today while nursing my beautiful chooky girl who was so unwell. I brought her inside in a nice basket full of warm straw and put her next to me by the fireplace so I could spend time with her and weighing up the pros and cons for whether we should or shouldn't euthanase her to ease her suffering. She was gasping for air, paralyzed on one side and really suffering, yet when I talked to her or scratcher her under her beak, she was talkative etc. It was a very difficult decision to make... And now I'm re-watching after having been through this awful experience and trying to find some sort of calmness and peace through hearing your video.... I really can't say how awful and horrific it was to be the one to ease her suffering. I just had to immediately sit down and sob in complete anguish at what I had to do. But my beautiful chicken really was so so so unwell and really was suffering so much. 😔😞 Thank you very much for your video.


I've had plenty of those whisky and icecream moments 😂, I've kept chickens for 30yrsand it's still very difficult everytime we lose one, great vid


I am new to raising chickens. I have twelve four-month-old pullets and never thought I'd get so attached to them, but here I am. They're my girls. I avoided this video in my suggestions for a few days before I finally sat down to watch it. But I do appreciate it because I know it's something we'll have to deal with eventually. Thank you for the informative video. (P.S. Nothing looks sadder and more pitiful than a sick chicken. Just the pictures make me want to cry.)


This is a great resource for those of us who keep chickens as pets. It’s nice to know to watch a kindred spirit who has been through what I’ve been through. Well done.


I cannot find a vet close around at all to help me when I have a sick chicken. Thanks for this video.


OMygosh...You had me at whiskey & icecream....I already respected you for how kind you are to Roos. But you are an amazing human and thank you so much for all the wonderful information in your videos!


Thank you for this video. My chickens are only 14 weeks old, but I know it's just a matter of time, and this helps me to feel more prepared. 🙏🏻


Thank you. I needed this video today. I love my chickens and have such a beautiful relationship with them. But I have a sick chicken that’s dying. Just horrible and helpless feeling.


This was such a timely, and poignant video for me today. I'm a new chicken mom of only about 20 weeks, and I've had to euthanize 2 hens in the last few weeks. The first one, I euthanized immediately upon seeing her state, but regretted not trying to triage her back to health. So when another hen showed similar illness, I triaged her in hopes it was a deficiency or something fixable. She suffered for 10 days in triage and lost almost all her muscle mass in the process. During that triage time, we bonded. 3 days ago, I reached a point where it just was very apparent she was suffering for no good reason, and I made a merciful decision. For this task, I bought a heavy cleaver, because I'm really good with kitchen knives. Lovingly laid her on a large cutting board outside on the snow, and with one clean drop, it was over. I just sat there and cried. I thought dealing with chicken poops was hard. This was harder. But I went to bed knowing that she wouldn't suffer a moment longer, and in a weird, seemingly twisted way, I was happy for her. Thank you so much for this video. I really needed this so much. <3


Omg❤ someone who’s like me with their chickens!!! I’m not the only crazy!!! ❤❤❤❤
Hello soul sister!!❤


I am so glad that I found you . As a beginner I have learned so much from your videos! Today's lesson was very special


My Cruella is 3 yrs old. She has stopped eating and drinking. I have tried everything I know to help her. She is tears roll down my cheeks I have chosen to help her pass. I cannot watch her any longer laying and breathing but that’s it. Her actions are clearly showing pain. It’s been 4 days inside the house for peace and quiet. I will necropsy her later today and see what this was. She was so normal and I must of missed something. This is the worst thing of raising farm animals. Suffering is just not an option for me. Thank you for your input. RIP Cruella❤


Yes, I think it would be helpful to see pictures of different diseases. My Red -Rhode island Red girl died of ovarian tumors from Mareks at the age of 1 1/2 years. She was the last of 18 chickens who died from various Mareks symptoms, paralysis, etc. She outlived her flock by one year. She never laid an egg and was very lively until one day when she got a prolapse though she didn't lay eggs. I treated her for the prolapse and she recovered but lost her her large appetite after 1 week. She then
went downhill in 6 weeks. I drained her water belly twice and she perked up and ate better.
She really fought dying. She was eating until the day she died of heart failure in my arms. I tried her with various herbs and it seemed to help her until the last week of her life. I tried to neocropsy her right after she died but green goo was pouring out of her vent and coming out of her mouth. I just couldn't do it. I did all that I could and Red didnt give up until the day she died as she refused food any water. She died very fast. I wish I had necropsied her.


Be careful of your eyes. One of our pet chickens just peeled my husband's eye because he was to close. He said the pain was excruciating


This is very good. You may not be a trained Vet, but your experiences are so insightful and mesh with my own experiences as an owner of chickens raised for therapy.


Absolutely heartbreaking I’m trying to summon up the strength to deal with our very unwell girl Dotty she’s my little daughter’s favorite. I can’t chop her head off as that would be too traumatizing for my daughter to see and she will want to say goodbye. I’m really struggling it’s so hard need to get it done today. We are new to chickens and rescued 8 didn’t think we would have to deal with this so soon only had them 2 months. Just keep telling myself that we rescued them from a horrible life and nasty death and I hope that I have the courage to give Dotty a dignified quick peaceful death. Thanks so much for your video.


Thank you for tackling this difficult topic. We needed to dispatch a rooster recently. My husband was able to make a cone out of a of a free used vinegar bottle. There are many types of bottles that hold water or other things that can be cleaned out and cut into a cone because the metal ones are pretty expensive.


Girl, I'm fixing to be farming chickens for eggs and meat, I'm starting out with 4 (scheduled for March). And have plans for a 9.9ft by 6.5ft long run with a 6 chicken coop as coop one and run. The next year (2025) we'll have the same setup with an added 4 chickens in the second coop for a total of 8, 4 in each coop. Your videos either crack me up or have me scribbling away at my notebook for ideas with my own chicks. I'm getting buff Orpingtons and love your videos!
