Pedal Drive Canoe Test Results

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In this video we do a thorough review how the skin on frame pedal drive canoe performed during our 4 1/2 month long trip in Baja California, Mexico.

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One of the things i llok forward to when i finish my shop, is maki g one of these. Thanks Brian.


Just quick tip:
In general, gaskets are worse for low force/low pressure mating interfaces than orings. They have much larger surface area, so require more force to compress a given distance with the same rubber durometer. If instead you had an o ring gland, with large diameter oring, you could have less flat, lower pressure sealing interface and still get a good seal. Also, oring material is cheaper and easier to make in custom sizes (cut with knife and glue), so repairs on the road might be easier.

This gasket seems to be working, which is great, but orings would widen the tolerance zone for success!


Great video as always! Always wotking to improve! Curious, would the drive work on one of your kayaks? Obviously modified and with a large sport sized cockpit opening. It would have a lower center of gravity, but the main issue I see is the needed height on the tunnel opening.


Great video as usual...I was confused by one point of assessment...Are you stating you would use the smaller fins for heavy-load expedition kayaking/canoeing or the larger fin for that?


Pelican bought the rights to manufacture the original Mirage drive. It is about $600ish dollars, no reverse though.


So the next question is pedal drive vs oars.
