THE PRODUCTION LINE | Lethal Company Song! | The Stupendium & Dan Bull

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In ‘Lethal Company,’ employees explore a multitude moons in order to find scrap, risking their lives as they face deathly traps and are stalked by dangerous creatures. They must find enough scrap to meet the ever-increasing profit quotas of “The Company,” or else the employees may find themselves brutally disposed of…
But luckily this is all just a video game! Can you imagine any companies in real life having such a callous disregard for their employees mental and physical welfare? Allowing human suffering just so they can increase their profits?! Hoarding wealth and paying a pittance to those doing the actual labour?! I sure can’t think of any AMAZing examples ON the fly…
Well folks, we’re back to our usual video game songs! I loved the idea of a Lethal Company song, it seemed like the perfect game to add to the anti-capitalism bop collection. I wanted it to be a semi-spiritual successor to the Fine Print in terms of theme and message, even though I doubt it’ll achieve the same level of notoriety on TikTok.
It seems to be a pattern to do a collab with Dan Bull in the first half of the year, and who am I to break tradition? Big thanks to Dan, it’s always great fun to work with him (even though I deprived him of sleep a bit for this one… sorry Dan!)
And as always, many thanks to rest of the team for this one. Nick for another smashing set build, Paul for his fantastic filmography, Liz for her excellent editing, Benedict and Phoenix for their cracking costumes and prop-making prowess, and Benedict again for his awesome assistance on set.
Alliteration is fun. Wait! I mean… alliteration is amusing.
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Check out the full Stupendium originals playlist for all of my original songs!
Lyrics and vocals by The Stupendium & @danbull
Instrumental by @FreshyKanal, @Freeced @danbull and The Stupendium
Video by The Stupendium & Lizzy CJ
Shoot Coordinator: Lizzy CJ
Production assistant: @LawlessMarshall
Costuming and prop fabrication by @LawlessMarshall and Phoenix Sterling
Set fabrication by Nick Henderson
Mixing by @OxygenBeats
Kazaxaphoo performed by The Stupendium
Helmet 3D Print file by COSPLAYPLANET3D
Mask 3D Print file by Dungeons And Starships
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The Stupendium is a musician, animator and content creator, creating weird, wonderful and usually incredibly nerdy songs and animations. Join them on their journey to obscure, niche internet stardom! They have some pretty decent videos, wonderful facial hair and a great sense of discomfort describing themself in the third person.