Postpartum Care: DIY Padsicles, C-Section Care, and How to Eliminate Stress | Birth Doula

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Self Care is important in every stage of life, but ESPECIALLY important during those first few weeks during your postpartum recovery. In this video we talk about how to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally so that you are able to have a healthy and happy postpartum recovery. I share how you can make easy DIY padsicles, how to care for vaginal tears or a c-section incision, and how to handle a new kind of normal that can sometimes be overwhelming at first. Comment below any self care tips you loved during your postpartum recovery!

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Although I strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the medical and health area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any medical or health related decisions. For your health related questions, please seek the advice of a licensed physician or any other qualified health care provider immediately.


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“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”- Matthew 11:28-30 💖


So grateful for this wonderful woman and every detailed video she makes. The amount of help her videos have given me is immeasurable. And I only found her 2 weeks before I gave birth.


Been loving all your videos this week! I’m due in a week and a half, after a stillbirth last year. And your tips and information are really helping maintain my anxiety through this time. 😊 I’m lucky that in South Korea we have postpartum care centers to stay at for a couple weeks, with nurses, cooks, masseuses, and yoga classes all available. It’s luxury. We usually have maternal grandmother come stay at home for a while. Since my mom is in the States, my mother-in-law will come stay with us to help with cooking and cleaning for a couple weeks.~ Anyway, thanks again for all your effort!!! ❤️


Get close friends and family to bring food, not flowers! Mamma will really benefit from not having to worry about feeding her and her family in a healthy way.


You are amazing and such a blessing to me. I am 29 weeks pregnant and have a doula I’ve paid for through the birth center I am giving birth at. I haven’t even met her yet. You have helped me so much already.


I'm a new doula and your videos have been so helpful! I'm attending my first birth this week and I'm so excited :). Thank you!


Thank you so much for your all positive birth videos I just delivered my 1st baby vaginally within 4 hrs of labor pain .. I followed you throughout my pregnancy journey and now here I am for my smooth postpartum journey


I'm a learning doula and I feel like you make such a great teacher and I think that it's amazing that you spread your knowledge for anyone and everyone to see


I’m going through post partum recovery now and it is a lot of stress since you have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed your baby and tons of demands place on you blah blah blah. It’s crazy. I thought once the baby is out (my pregnancy was a lot of stress too, I had GDM and baby was breech, had to do an ECV, thankfully I was able to give birth naturally) Anyways, I thought it was gonna be easier, but nope, it’s getting harder. Lol. I want to stay positive but nope, it is harder. I want to try out the padsicle since it sounds very nice and looks like a lot of people are doing it. Thanks for the tips.


I’m so thankful for every video you have made. You answer so many of my questions and I genuinely am comforted by your advice and information. Thank you for doing what you do


I’m attempting a VBA2C at my local hospital here in Germany in a few weeks. I’m so grateful I found your videos! Thank you for sharing all this advice for free! ❤️


I enjoyed this video! And wanted to share something I like to use after birth, I love using cloth mama pads ❤️. This may seem gross to some people… but I’ve found that for me they are much less gross and sooo much more comfortable then there through away counter parts . I did use disposable for a day or two, and padcickles . But other then that I use the cloth mama pads ! Just another option for you knew mama’s .


Heads up, in the Build to Birth courses Bridget does NOT recommend padsicles. Instead she recommends heat and warm compresses to speed up healing.


You should really think about adding some visual aids. This is all good information, but some of us like to see actual examples of products and brands so we know exactly what to use.


U r star ....and I love u.. u have helped me so much to overcome my labor pain


can you make a video on what is normal and not normal postpartum as mentally and physcially


Can you do tips video on this topic if you don’t have anyone to come and help you in those first initial weeks and husband is at work! First time mum here due in April and am facing this situation 😬😬


I was so stressed with the schedule the hospital sent me home with. Feeding my little girl every 2 to 3 hours, waking her when she didn't want eat. Counting diapers. Etc. Her peds dr. told me I'm doing great with her, just let my daughter set the schedule. Let her sleep when she wants, her eat when she wants to eat.


Just a reminder that the vagina is internal and the vulva and sometimes labia, depending on your anatomy, are external. It's good to try and get in the habit of owning our anatomy and naming it accurately. ☺️ Excellent tips!
Thinking about the birthing people out there who don't identify as mama. 💕


Thank you so much, this video was so helpful! I’m 36 weeks and 2 days and I’m rather worried about the recovery part. I’ve suffered from hemorroids in the past and I know I’ll probably tear too so I’m trying to gather as much info as I can. 🙈
