Can you get pregnant if one tube is blocked? TTC Tips

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Can a woman get pregnant with one blocked fallopian tube? If you are trying to conceive with one blocked tube, what can be done to improve your chances? Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert explains with this weeks TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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After very short time of my married i have concieved but unfortunately it was a fellopion tube pregnancy.I have operated and I lost one of my fellopion tube .Many doctor said there was no chance of any pregnancy .Now 8 years have passed i am very happy with my two children.allah is almighty


If you have one blocked tube and the other one is open, you can still get pregnant. You may need the help with IUI treatment. That way the doctors can monitor through ultrasound to see which side the follicles are growing big enough. If they see that the follicles are bigger on the open side of the tube they will continue and perform the IUI. If the doctor sees that the follicles are growing on the side with the blocked tube, they will cancel the IUI for that month. If both tubes are blocked then you will need to get them either surgically unblocked or you will have to go through IVF.


I got pregant after my first child but it was ectopic so had to have the tube removed then got pregant with my daughter and 10 months and 3 weeks later had my son


Just had the HSG test done and I’m praying for a miracle


I did get pregnant with one blocked tube, thank God!!


I had a 1 blocked tube my whole life, I was able to have 4 beautiful babies. Now I only have 1 tube and 1 ovary and a filshie clip closing the remaining tube. No more babies for me.


After i get pregnant in 2015 and i had Ectopic pregnant, and they cut one cube I've never been pregnant again till now, please help me.


Can i get pregnant with left tube having hydrosalpinx, , , also having bicornuate uterus... We are trying to conceive since last 5 years


I have one open tube I m ovulate regularly but no luck to get pregnant plz tell I go for laproscopy or not?


Hi, I have problem whit 1year am note getting my period what is happening what I can do?


IVF does not work equally for all blockages. For distal blockages, predicted success rates drop 50%.


I have one tube blockages how to open tube doc.please help.


Two fallopian tube belloked what shall as dr my Age 38 year's old


I've had 3 losses and no baby since my tubal reversal, my right tube collapsed because the outer layer died. Any advice, we've tried over 7 years


I couldn’t have a baby for a long time I always had problems with my period. I also grow a lot of hair. They did many test on me and they said I don’t have PCOS or PID I got pregnant and yesterday had a laprascopy due to ectopic pregnancy. I am so confused. They said I had low progesterone when I did the blood test after my period on the 3rd day and the 14th day I believe. I have a 6 year old and had a miscarriage right after I had my son. I would love to know more please and thank you.


hi sir . i am 26 years old and my left tube is blocked and unfortunately only my left tube is produce eggs . Right tube is normal but not produce eggs. so now what can i do ? is there any hope ? please reply sir.


I have hydrosalpinx on my R side and just found out I am pregnant. I am I considered high risk for a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy? What should I be doing to avoid miscarriage.


Hi sir .how many chances block fallopion tube is open in laproscopic surgery ? Plz reply me.


pliz sir help, is it true that if the tubes are blocked you feel lower abdominal pain or when the dye is inserted you feel pain coz they are blocked


My 1 tube is been closed I ws pregnant bt th say th baby ws not on th ryt place it ws on th tupe plz plz I need help plz
