How I #HearHim | Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

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How do you #HearHim? Elder Jeffrey R. Holland says that vocalizing our prayers can foster greater communication with God.

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How can anyone dislike anything Elder Holland say? He’s definitely my fave apostle! He speaks to my soul and awakens my spirit!


I don't speak English 100%, but i felt by the holy spirit that it's eternal truths. Thank you so much.


God Bless Elder Holland. If he only truly knew how much his testimony has strengthened the feeble hearted the world over. Time and time again I find myself tuning into his words for guidance.


love this. I am so grateful that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Thank you


Elder Holland, I appreciate you good Sir....Not a member, but love listening to you. 🙏😇


I have never met you but love you Elder Holland. When you speak, I hear. I see. I feel. Thank you. You are such an amazing blessing in my life!


How I wish I could personally thank Elder Holland for this message. Simple but very important truths that I needed to hear and implement. #thankyouElderHolland


Prayer is and will always be the answer 🙏


"Pray often that you can come off the conqurer" and "have a prayer in your heart always" is the best advice always.


Love Elder Holland - his testimony always strengthens mine, and his words always give me hope and strength.


Thank you, Elder Holland. I needed to hear these words today. My prayers have become a little half-hearted lately. Time to have a good heart-to-heart with God, again. <3


Amen! There is power in the vocal prayer!


I talk to him all day. It's basically become second nature, I feel he is beside me and we walk together in conversation.


This is where it’s crucial to know the important difference between apostolic instruction and apostolic personal opinion. Because prayer is extremely personal. Most of my prayer is listening, not talking. And sometimes I don’t want to hear my own voice. My thought-words are crystal clear and clearly specific. Non-vocal does not mean vague. President Packer and others taught that “you can think a prayer.” So Jeff Holland, please stay out of my prayer life. Mine is _NOT_ “on the cheap.” And kneeling is not needful. The prophet said, “We may stand or be seated. Physical position is less important than is spiritual submission, ” _(General Conference April 2003)._ I have a Prayer Chair. Because prayer is deathly important for me.


There really is something extra powerful about saying a prayer out loud. Years ago when I was suffering from extreme anxiety, I would lie in bed at times and please for the Lord to help me sleep. I found that if I got out of bed and onto my knees and said a "real" prayer, it made a difference how I felt afterwards. It was usually after those prayers that I would find enough relief to sleep.

The other day I unknowingly dropped my credit card after I left my car and headed into the the store. When I realized it wasn't in my hand (my mask was so that thre me off), I turned to retrace my steps. I searched he ground carefully as I walked back the my car and hoped it was in the seat since it was nowhere to be found on the ground. I searched the seats and my purse and became very upset. Then I finally took a breath, calmed down, and said an out loud prayer. I felt I should calmly take each step of what I did before I originally left the car. After that, I carefully scanned underneath my vehicle and then turned back toward the store to scan the parking lot again. There, right in the middle of my path, clear as possible, was my card. All the prayers I said in my mind as I had first done when realizing I had lost my card were not enough. That attention, reverence, and extra small ACT to show and exercise our FAITH just has some extra powerful way to connect to heaven and receive power and answers. Prayer is so powerful! God does hear them all! Sometimes those out loud prayers are extra powerful and I think its for OUR sake, not His sake.


"We need to carve out high priority time [for prayer]..."


Elder Holland never fails. His words always give me great hope and happiness. Thank you, Elder Holland! I pray for you often. ❤


Be powerful in prayer! That’s a concept I’ve never considered. Glad I clicked on this.


I live just outside of St. George, which means a 30 min or so drive to and from work. I've spent many of those half hours home in vocal prayer. It's one of the only times I'm alone, and I get to think privately. Some of those prayers are the best. Thanks for sharing this message Elder Holland


I hear Him through prayers, prompting of the Holy Ghost, messages of the Prophets, reading scriptures 😊
