On Course 2-27-11

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***Thought of a new show name for Bob! "Predictably Unpredictable" Because no matter what he is never the same horse at shows, sometimes he's great, sometimes he's pissy, and sometimes he just doesn't feel like working. You never know which horse you're gonna get, but you gotta work with what you have!
**This is the Marshall & Sterling Child/Adult jumper classic; I only did the last child/adult and the classic, and we won both!
WOW! I wish I had the first round on film because this was one of the best shows I've had the pleasure to compete in with Bob. My trainer is in Florida so I went to this show with another gal who rides at my barn, and I'm so glad we did! The competition was really tough; all of us came within a second and a half of each other and there was no room for mistakes. This is the first time I've shown him in a broken pelham and with ear plugs and he was fabulous. He was jumping great, listening, and we just had a great two classes. We won both! Good boy, Bob!
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Love the new name and well done on winning both classes i love it when you can hear the original audio.


that was an amazing course!! You are a great rider and your horse is gorgeous!! And I love his cute jump!! :)


aw good boy! you guys look amazing I love his silly buckies haha


Wow that was amazing!! Your rounds were perfect.. And man is bob good at tight turns! You guys were flying around that course like it was nothing! Such an inspiration to us all :)


you two are an amazing team.
i love bob. he's so cute.
my horse is the same way at shows! sort of unpredictable until you get on him and see what kind of horse you've got. but i kind of like it :)


i love that show name! i might name a breyer that lol


ahhh you guys are amazing! p.s i can hear your mom over everyone lmfao<3 she is so spirited!


You've got an honest horse :) lucky gal!
Where is this show? Nice arena!!!
