EVERYTHING in the Minecraft 1.19 Wild Update!

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Minecraft 1.19 is OUT NOW! ✨ The Wild Update introduces the Deep Dark biome, Ancient Cities, The Warden, & more to Minecraft's caves! Up on the surface we're looking at a brand new swamp biome, mangrove trees and wood, and mud as well! In this video we take a look at everything new or changed in Minecraft 1.19 on Java and Bedrock edition!
-=| Minecraft 1.19 Features |=-
0:00 intro and overview
0:59 the allay
1:31 chestboat
1:55 mangrove trees + mangrove wood
3:13 mud
4:10 mangrove swamp biome
4:37 frogs, tadpoles, froglight
6:22 mud bricks and packed mud
6:58 new commands
7:54 deep dark biome
9:14 sculk blocks
11:14 ancient cities
12:54 the warden
13:43 ancient city loot
15:11 reinforced deepslate
15:25 goat horns
16:09 darkness effect
16:32 more 1.19 changes
• Some Playlists •
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-=| Minecraft 1.19 Features |=-
0:00 intro and overview
0:59 the allay
1:31 chestboat
1:55 mangrove trees + mangrove wood
3:13 mud
4:10 mangrove swamp biome
4:37 frogs, tadpoles, froglight
6:22 mud bricks and packed mud
6:58 new commands
7:54 deep dark biome
9:14 sculk blocks
11:14 ancient cities
12:54 the warden
13:43 ancient city loot
15:11 reinforced deepslate
15:25 goat horns
16:09 darkness effect
16:32 more 1.19 changes
• Some Playlists •
if you read this comment "watl watl"
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