Can you get your monthly cycles during pregnancy? - Dr. Teena S Thomas
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A pregnancy duration is 9 months and 7 days. So the whole number of 9 months, you are not going to get your periods and after you deliver, you will be bleeding. Can be anywhere between 1 month to plus minus 10 days. Postdelivery, if you are breast feeding, breast feeding hormones, they delay the periods. There may be possibility that there may be no periods for another months to 1 year. So 9 months of pregnancy you will not be having periods. After that also plus minus, it may be there for some, it may not be for some for some. It depends on how you are breast feeding, on how much hormones. Pre delivery, there will be no hormones in the 9 months. Some patients in the 9 months, can have bleeding on and off. They may have a bleed inside, or placental issues causing bleeding or hormonal bleeding. These are not. These are not periods. Periods stop once you are pregnant and they do not come until you have delivered. And after delivery, the periods can restart after 1 month after delivery or restart after a year after delivery. It depends on how much you are breast feeding and other hormonal status in your body.