Prompting Claude: How To Write A Middle Grade Novel With AI!

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**Video Rereleased**

Welcome to AI Writers Connection, your one-stop hub for all things writing in the realm of Middle Grade and Young Adult fiction! 📚✍️

Do you find yourself mesmerized by the intricate worlds of dystopian landscapes, or enchanted by magical academies filled with intrigue and adventure? Are you a budding writer aiming to craft your very own novel, but feel lost in the wilderness of plot structure and character development? Look no further! AI Writers Connection is here to guide you on your journey to becoming a master storyteller. 🌟

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[Write 20 ACADEMY premises for novellas in the MIDDLE SCHOOL or YOUNG ADULT genre, using different popular tropes and themes in the Fantasy genre and Dystopian subgenre.]

[Write a 500-600 word academy synopsis using “THE SELECTED PREMISE HERE.” in the genre and subgenre for the basis, add 7-10 tropes, 10-15 themes, and provide a title along with a series name and 3-5 sentence premise for BOOK 2 and BOOK 3 of the overall series concept. Make it clear what goals, motivations, strengths, and weaknesses are for each ensemble cast member, and add in a formidable antagonist that wants something from the main characters for his/her personal gain and give them all first and last names. Include a list of settings for the concept that would bode well for an academy story with the academy and magical elements while considering the overall story tone based on the tropes and themes selected. Select FIVE descriptor words used to describe the selected genre’s tone, style, and mood, subgenre, tropes, and themes with subtext dialogue. NOTE: this story takes place over hours to days.]

[Evaluate the current synopsis and strengthen any weak, vague, or problem areas to strengthen this concept, thereby ensuring a well-developed storyline. NOTE: keep the same information from the prior step for the characters’ first and last names, ages, and identify the ensemble cast, and the antagonist or antagonistic force. Give the main character’s (of the ensemble cast) physical facial/body descriptions, attributes, strengths, and weaknesses, and list what motivates the character and what the character wants. Also, assign a Myers-Briggs or Enneagram personality type, and list FIVE descriptor words that reflect the characters' personality and tone of voice. Then write a list of 10 minor characters using popular archetypes. NOTE: this story takes place over hours to days.] HERE’S THE SYNOPSIS: (Refer to the information obtained in STEP 2).

STEPS 4 - 8 are in the comment section below.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:43 Overview
00:03:37 STEP 1 Premises
00:12:24 STEP 2 Synopsis
00:25:41 STEP 3 Evaluation
00:34:20 STEP 4 Characters
00:40:55 STEP 5 Backstory
00:45:16 STEP 6 Chapter Outline
00:59:19 STEP 7 Chapter Beats
01:14:21 STEP 8 Prose Generation
01:24:10 JUST4FUN Convert to Script
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Here are the rest of the prompts:

[Write a major character list for this concept, PLACE TITLE HERE FROM STEP 2, giving the character first and last names, ages, and identify the ensemble cast, and the antagonist or antagonistic force. Give the main character’s (of the ensemble cast) physical facial/body descriptions, attributes, strengths, and weaknesses, and list what motivates the character and what the character wants. Also, assign a Myers-Briggs or Enneagram personality type, and list FIVE descriptor words that reflect the characters' personality and tone of voice. Then write a list of 10 minor characters using popular archetypes. NOTE: this story takes place over hours to days.]: (Refer to the concept content, the revised synopsis, in STEP 3 as needed.)

[Write out a detailed backstory for each of the ensemble characters (list their names here), the town (list the name here and important locations), and the MYTHS, LORE, and LEGENDS the story is built around in great detail] (Refer to the information obtained in STEPS 3, 4, & 5 as needed.)

{"context": "We have a character list, with details of each character's attributes, physical features, weaknesses, strengths, motivations, obstacles, goals, voice tones, and personalities. Our story is a 15-CHAPTER MIDDLE-GRADE story”, "instruction": "Create a chapter-by-chapter outline that follows the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet, identifying the catalyst, debate, and the save-the-cat moment. Each chapter should be from the ensemble character with the most at stake, in 1st Person POV, past tense. Each section must contain SIX beats in paragraph form. Every summary should begin with a hook beat and end on a cliffhanger beat, emulating popular television drama series. Incorporate red herrings (like you’d find in the Lester Dent Mystery Template), mystery plot points with areas for deductive moments for the ensemble cast, and other important elements in line with the main beats of a novel manuscript. Refer to the pre-prepared character list, integrating their attributes and physical feature descriptions. Make the characters' weaknesses, strengths, motivations, obstacles, goals, voice tones, and personalities evident in the summaries. Include the day and time of day, character names in each scene, and location (NOTE: this story takes place over hours to days). Ensure each chapter transitions smoothly into the next, particularly each cliffhanger leading into the hook of the following chapter. Add the description for the setting, tone, and location in brackets, and provide the time of day without repeating any beat scene. Use drivers, guardrails, focus points, themes, tone & style, character development, plot points, conflict, and resolution to structure the beats, ensuring a seamless transition from one beat to the next. Facilitate attraction and romance between the protagonist and the love interest at numerous junctures. In a header for the Chapter, include the day and time of day, characters in each scene, and setting/location. Use the format below:

·  Chapter x: Beat x
·  Day & Time: xxx, x:xx pm
·  Characters:
1.   Xxx xxx
2.   Xxx xxx
3.   Xxx xxx
·  Setting/Location: xxx, xxx, xxx.

Use only characters from the provided list."}

(Refer to the information obtained in STEPS 3, 4, 5, and 6 as needed.)

[Write 14 NUMBERED beats for each chapter summary with a TV drama-style opening hook and cliffhanger. Assign a Myers-Briggs personality type to each (or keep the one already assigned), then detail the characters' physical attributes, strengths, weaknesses, motivations, obstacles, and goals in the chapter where they first appear. Also depict their voice tones, personalities, and flaws. Each summary should note the day, time, and location, avoiding pronouns and repeated beats.

Ensure seamless transitions from one chapter's cliffhanger to the next chapter's hook (in other words, tie them together so that each cliffhanger is resolved in the next chapter or another chapter as needed). In brackets, add descriptions for setting, tone, and location.

Apply drivers, guardrails, focus points, themes, tone & style, character development, plot points, conflict, and resolution to the created beats.

Use only the provided characters with appropriate pronouns unless additional characters are needed.

Remember to identify main events and happenings, mystery/suspense plot points, and essential elements of the manuscript's main beats. NOTE: this story takes place over hours to days.]

(Refer to the information obtained in STEPS 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 as needed.)


INCLUDE THE CHAPTER NUMBER, POV, TENSE & RELATED INSTRUCTIONS (including setting, tropes, themes, day, time of day, and character present)

Use this JSON instruction: { "StoryElements": "Shape-shifting scenes and/or magical beings (including Animal Form) or any given trope-driven content that moves the plot or builds the character: 15-20%.": "These scenes should drive the plot forward or reveal character traits—pull content from lore, traditions, history, and information on the created "world”. Make sure these scenes are suitable for a middle-grade or young adult audiences.",

"Character Development (Protagonist and Shifter character): 20-25%.": "Readers need to understand the motivations and personalities of both human and magical characters. This is particularly important for a middle-grade audience, which often benefits from strong character arcs.",

"World Building/Setting: 20-25%.": "Since the genre involves fantasy, the setting likely contains fantastical and urban elements. It's essential to describe the unique world and its rules, ensuring it is relatable for middle-grade readers.",

"Dialogue: 10-15%.": "Conversations between characters drive the plot forward and reveal more about their personalities and their relationships.",

"Conflict/Tension: 15-20%.": "Whether it's the societal norms of humans and supernaturals (or magical beings) cohabitating, the personal struggles of the characters, or the emotional turbulence within their relationship, conflict propels the narrative. Keep the conflict appropriate for the middle-grade or young adult level.",

"Action: 10-15%.": "This could be related to any danger or physical confrontations the characters encounter outside of their relationship. These should be thrilling but not overly violent, keeping in mind the age of the readers.",

"Foreshadowing: 2-3%.": "Hints about future events can create suspense and anticipation in the reader, adding to the overall enjoyment of the story.",

"Friendship development: 5-10%.": "The development of the friendship aspect of the relationship, including emotional intimacy and trust building. This aspect can replace the romance that might be inappropriate for middle-grade or young adult readers.",

"Backstory: 5-7%.": "Details of the characters' pasts that have shaped their present attitudes and behaviors. These should be engaging and relevant, contributing to the readers' understanding of the characters. NOTE: this story takes place over hours to days. NOTE: hours to days!" }}

And pay attention to this one, too:

{ "instruction": { "task": "Generate prose", "parameters": { "smoothTransitions": true, "maintainConsistentTone": true, "maintainConsistentStyle": true, "logicalConnections": true, "consistentNarrativeAndMood": true, "nonDisruptiveIntroduction": true } } }

(Refer to the information obtained in STEPS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 as needed, paying attention to writing the prose actively—show the action instead of telling it—and write in 1st person, past tense. Be sure to use the JSON instructions for prose writing found in the STEP 8 JSONs provided. NOTE: this story takes place over hours to days. Write each beat between 400-600 words, and write them in strides of two: totaling 800-1200 words for each combined stride.)


Great video about my favorite AI writing partner ! I didn't know about the JSON stuff, it's really nice to enhance the writing ! Thanks, this was full of gems !


I love how thorough you are and the fact that you actually show the live results definitely help. Entertainment and educational. Great work. 👍


Excellent. I've been seeing people use XML to describe output formats for each step. An LLM doesn't actually follow the instructions programmatically in what we would consider logical. Techniques like RLHF (reinforcement learning from human feedback) give the LLM skills like emotional intelligence, cognitive reasoning, natural language processing, problem-solving skills, and perception capabilities. It's still effectively the adjustment of highly complex probabilities for the generation of the next output token. At present, if the prompt isn't 100% understood, the AI carries on regardless. When it starts to request clarification for grey areas, we will know the engineers have got it right. I'm having real difficulty trying to understand how LLMs work, it's a little crazy. I like to ask "Analyse the following prompt and tell me in detail what you understand and the actions you would take: Paste the prompt here.


Love your videos. You got a new subscriber. Keep up the good work.


I really like this video and it's helped me with starting a YA story of my own. like you mentioned early on in the video i would love to see how you do this entire process from start to finish.


What is an "academy" is "Academy"? And what is in the Middle Grade Story template that you provided at the beginning of the session? Does the file only consist of the prompts listed as "Steps".?
You also mentioned JSON template later is that? Is there a video that explains what that only know it in terms of software coding for parts of a website.
