How to Write a Short Story in 20 Minutes (ChatGPT + Claude)

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00:30 📝 Short story creation process using AI with starter prompts.
01:12 📚 Short stories should focus on a pivotal moment for a character.
02:33 🧠 Generated short story idea: Tim can see 10 seconds into the future, but also sees his own death repeatedly.
03:02 🌎 Added world-building element: clocks and timers don't exist.
05:14 🖊 Modified synopsis for an action-packed short story.
05:41 🌟 Emphasized starting with action for a short story.
06:51 📄 Used Lester Dent Pulp Fiction formula for the story outline.
10:47 🎭 Created a detailed character profile for the protagonist, Tim.
13:59 ✍️ Successfully generated a chapter following the provided instructions.
15:57 🔄 Repeated process for subsequent chapters, ensuring consistency and depth.


One use I found for Claude is to translate text. So, I'm writing a story about a Witchhunter in 17th century England. The story opens with a letter from a priest. I asked Claude to translate it into Early Modern English, and Claude did a great job.


Your content is why that I have *SUBSCRIBED!*
I'm very excited about using AI for writing fiction. I'm a retired engineer that spent about 50 years creating electronics equipment that contain small computers. When I was 13 years old I read a story that propelled me into wanting to become an engineer. Now I want to "pay it forward" by write a series short stories where two young persons make things and have adventures. So far your channel is the best one to combine AI and writing advice that I have encountered. I am still exploring your channel looking for the best software to use as well as advice about how to use it. I'm aiming at short stories and hope you will talk more about how best to prompt them.


Appreciate cha. Its priceless to look over the shoulder of an experienced person, no matter the profession. We're living in great times, back in the day this just wasn't possible virtually, you had to know someone and be lucky enough for them to take you under their wing so you could learn what they do. 🙏🙏 Signing up for Claude today!


I dont think people should be hating AI as much as it should. No average person knows what a "story beats" (or other technical terms) are. AI will totally replace other people who dont use AI.


I find it best to steer AI, especially with short stories, clear guidance is key. Also, I find using Custom Instructions in ChatGPT really helpful to get the response style I want. This would ditch the flowery storytelling of ChatGPT, for example, to make it respond with some sailor-like colorful language! ; )


Thanks. I love all these techniques. I haven't seen an AI do a good job of foreshadowing, backstory, inspection, getting multiple story threads to coordinate at the climax, or dealing with the wound during the climax. That said, it does a lot of useful things.


Thank you so much for this, as an amateur writer I am learning so much through you and even through Chat GPT-4 who I have assigned to be my Professor 😂


I would give so much to see your approach to a short horror story in this way. Love your content, new subscriber!


Is there a document somewhere with the short story prompts and the superprompt?


once again another great video- btw just a technical feedback- i am noticing a sight off sync between your audio and the picture (ie between your words and your lips)- for a few of your latest videos (or is it just me?)


Jason! This by far is one of my favorite videos of yours it’s what sold me on joining your membership. And I’m wondering would you be willing to revisit this video using novel crafter? Even if it’s just for the membership I’m cool with that too😊


so I`ve read through all the commentaries; am I the only one who wants to have a look at the finished story? Can`t find it! Can somebody pls help? Jason?


I'm trying to write a book with multiple POVs so this structure doesn't really work for what I need it, but it's still cool to see! Any prompt advice for a story with multiple povs?


Non-obvious foreshadowing can also do a LOT to make a good short story. "Cannon Fodder - Blasting The Cannon" (at YouTube) was a good example of this to the effect of (spoiler alert), "OMG! It was a death sentence?!". Ender's Game's irony as to the fact that Ender was controlling real mortal (and brave, dying) human beings was a good example. Makes you think about how you were shown what was about to take place but never knew it until the author actually hits you with it. DUST's productions so often seem to lack, what shall we call it? Substance? There are surely better words for it than I've come up with. If it forces you to think after it's over, then it's probably a good story.


Well done, I just started using AI to develop a story I had in mind since my teenage age, using ChatGPT and Ai to illustrate it, my experience is that I have to guide it a lot, provide the ideas of what I want to develop and reffed him with what was previously written for consistency (so similar process I Guess) - a question, Idon’t know « Claude Ai » but does it brings something additional ? You could do the same process with just ChatGPT. Can you please explain why ? Cheers.


I find that with longer outputs, Claude has a much harder time writing meaningful action or character development. So you'll get 1800 words, but the ratio of description to action or dialogue is kind of lopsided. (Not a problem since I'm editing it anyway, , but if I had to guess, what you have is more like a 900 word scene with a bunch of extra words.)


I'm Dutch, so unfortunately I can't use Claude directly (yet), but I can access it using "Best prose" in Sudowrite. I have a question about that. You mentioned that Claude tends to deviate from the story beats a lot. But when using the super prompt, it sticks to the outline better as it knows where it is supposed to go. My question then is: why doesn't this work in Sudowrite? It has all the directions it needs to create a super prompt like I see you do in your much-appreciated videos. But somehow it ends up somewhere totally different from where I wanted it to go.


Hi Jason. I've got a quick question for you.
Have you tried the new update from Chat-GPT where you can upload pictures and get a description of the image? Since I live in Scandinavia, this update hasn't rolled out here yet.
If it's as I imagine, this could be a game-changer for those using GPT for creative writing.
For instance, to describe a setting or to characterise someone in a novel.
I'd love to see a video on this if you've had a chance to try it out.


do you think i could use this to create a business short story? like alchemist style short story for business?
