David Bowie - Glastonbury 2000 [52 minutos]

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"I was standing backstage with David and fellow bandmates Sterling Campbell, Gail Ann Dorsey, Emm Gryner, Earl Slick (official), Holly Palmer and Mark Plati.
We were preparing to perform at the Glastonbury Festival 22 years ago this weekend. David looked out at the audience and saw what is told to have been a quarter of a million fans. There was something about that day that made me feel, even before beginning to perform, like it would be the most powerful concert to ever happen in Glastonbury history.
I felt David’s apprehension. He seemed just a little nervous. He took a breath, looked me straight in the eye, and asked me to go out to warm up the audience on my own - much like asked me 27 years earlier at the Hammersmith Odeon in London on the night he knew he would be retiring Ziggy Stardust forever. Once again, I almost had a heart attack. I walked out onto the stage all alone with nothing but the monstrous sea of fans. I was ready to play some jazz.
There was just one problem. From the first note, no sound was coming from my keyboard. Within a second, at least fifty crew members flooded on and off the stage scrambling to figure out what the problem might be. The crowd was getting anxious. I was getting nervous and turning red. I was just so happy that David wasn’t on stage because if he had started without the piano we would have been in big trouble. The three minutes I was on stage without any sound felt like three years! It finally dawned on me that the volume on my keyboard was turned off. It wouldn’t surprise me if I was the one who turned it all the way down after our sound check. Oh boy.
I started playing Greensleeves. I have no idea why. I played it at a reasonably brisk tempo because I knew the audience was waiting for their real hero to take the stage. The rest of the band started to walk out on stage while I began to wind down and finish my improv. Then David walked out and the crowd went crazy. We played for them for two hours. After playing with David for so long, I can easily report that our night in Glastonbury was my favorite concert. I remember the thrill of playing Life on Mars with the audience knowing every word to that, not to mention every other song we played" - Mike Garson


The way he enters on stage and salutes the audience, he's the greatest. David Bowie didn't die, he returned to where he came from, the future


01:25 Wild Is The Wind
08:23 Absolute Beginners
14:46 Ashes To Ashes
20:05 Rebel Rebel
24:18 Starman
28:34 Ziggy Stardust
32:40 Heroes
38:19 The Man Who Sold The World
42:07 All The Young Dudes
46:40 Let's Dance


...and to think some folks at the time thought Bowie was too "old" to be headlining Glastonbury again! He's only a boy here.


I spent the whole day on the grassy slope with Pete, stoned. We said nothing to each other, I was contemplating my life, future, everything, while watching the thousands of people go by, relaxed and all peaceful like. When the sun set, Bowie came on and all of a sudden this energy filled the arena. I got up and soaked it all in. This was one of the best days in my life


What a absolute legend. We will never see the likes of David Bowie again


kills me knowing that I’m never going to see him perform. My absolute favourite artist of all time. RIP King.


My parents were in the crowd, I was 2 years old. It's crazy that I can experience the same concert they did 22 years ago in the background while cooking my dinner 😂


Bowie is in his early 50s here, crazy how can anyone in their early 50s still be so cool, the vocals still strong and powerful


Two days after Bowie's set at this festival, he played at the BBC Radio Theatre in London before an invited audience. Only 130 people got selected through email to get a ticket to the show! Amazing.. it was like winning the lottery!


Love how he dismantles many of the songs, twisting them in a different light while retaining their core value and enduring legacy, then plunges back into their standard forms.

It’s a remarkable performance. So many legendary performances over the years at Glastonbury, then Bowie appears after all those years, passionate, on his knees, singing with such great vocal range, in the autumn of his years, delivering a performance consistently ranked as the best or near best in the festival’s history.

A brilliant artist and songwriter, yes, and…the quintessential rock star of all time.


GAD is one of the most under recognised geniuses. Phenomenal talent. Bowie saw her. Recognised it.


How could he have that incredible vocal range and still smoke?! I've never understood that. He was my first music love. The very first album I bought was Young Americans in 1975. I was a young American of 16 at the time. He looked so damned sexy on the album. I'd gaze at his face and play the album over and over and over again.


I was there. Its was everything and more to see and hear David Bowie live at Glastonbury. Amazing memories. 💙


I was there a few rows from the front. It was the last Glastonbury before the big fence so the whole weekend was packed. It was a proper squeeze. I was about a year or so into the start of a bowie obsession and was discovering the back catalogue at the time. That evening was absolutely fucking wonderful


If I have one regret in life, this is it. As an Aussie that landed in London with 70 Quid a week before, I was here in a tent. I had asked someone to wake me up. I was so tired so I took a nap 3 hours before the concert. He forgot to wake me up. I awoke at midnight and its been my greatest regret in life ever since. Well I finally get to watch it. Thanks for posting it.


Always kind of liked Bowie... But only last week or so I've checked out loads of his live performances... GOOD GRIEF! What a performer, such presence. Stunning.


What an absolute master of his craft David Bowie was!


I fell in love with Bowie around 97 and have had a couple of opportunities to see him from that period until he stopped touring. Why I didn't is just beyond me. Because, here is at the top of his game.


This is amazing. I cant believe more people have not viewed this?
