[Empty Planet] The Population Crisis Nobody Sees Coming

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[Empty Planet] The Population Crisis Nobody Sees Coming
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If you think there's a shortage of people, spend a week in Manila, Mexico City, BKK or HK.


Bottom line is it’s just too expensive. Homes, food etc. are so expensive the young can’t afford to have children at least more than one. Immigration in the US isn’t the solution, we need to take care of our own.


Young people dont want to have kids. I know quite a few people in their 30's who dont have kids and have no plans to have them.


I don't think economic factors are the main reason. All western countries have fewer births than needed, if the rents are high or low, if the government supports parents or it doesn't, the birthrates drop. It's a shift in the Zeitgeist and even people who want children are fine with one or two.

Immigration is no real solution because it takes the young and educated from a poor country to a richer one. This makes the situation worse in the poorer country to temporary fix the issue in the rich one.


When I was born (1970), the world had a population of 3.7 billion. I lived in the second largest city in my country. Most people I knew lived in confortable houses, with nice yards. Air was cleaner, the world was greener, and I used to see fish in a sea coast that is now mostly dead. And many animal/vegetal species had not been driven to extintion.
I am perfectly aware of the economic cost of a shrinking and aging population, but once human population is reduced and stable again, the world as a whole would the greener and cleaner.
For me, let the population colapse. Planet Earth will not cry for us.


The problem is we are supporting more aged people with fewer resources provided by younger employees.


Good News, population needs to fall faster and further...


Simply put, today's younger generations just do not want, and is usually not up to, the level of responsibility and committment it takes to raise a child. And if they aren't up to it, then they should not be doing it. Catch-22 It is a growing problem that is expected to get worse with time, And immigration is not the answer. Taking people from another country makes that country's population decline even worse.
