MODERN RUSSIA. Interesting things in Siberian city of Omsk

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This is a short video I got from one of my Russian subscribers. Omsk is one of the largest cities in Russian Siberia, with a population of just over one million people.
"Ushanka Show" is a collection of stories about life in the USSR.
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Hello, comrades!
My name is Sergei. I was born in the USSR in 1971. Since 1999 I have lived in the USA.
Ushanka Show channel was created to share stories as well as my own memories of everyday life in the USSR.
My book about arriving in America in 1995 is available on Amazon:
Support for this channel via PAYPAL:
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If you are curious to try some of the Soviet-era candy and other foodstuffs, please use the link below.


So this is where the great trial begins.


Are the people there really angry about what Germans did?


Вставай, страна огромная,

The huge country is rising

Vstavaj, strana ogromnaia,

Вставай на смертный бой

Is rising for the deathly battle

Vstavaj na smertnyj boj

С фашистской силой темною,

Against the dark fascist force

S fashistskoj siloj temnoiu,

С проклятою ордой.

Against their cursed hordes

S prokliatoiu ordoj.

Припев / Pripev:


Пусть ярость благородная

Let our noble wrath

Pust iarost blagorodnaia

Вскипает как волна,

Seethe like waves

Vskipaet kak volna,

Идет война народная,

The national war is going

Idet vojna narodnaia,

Священная война!

The Sacred War

Sviashchennaia vojna!

Дадим отпор душителям

Will resist the oppressors

Dadim otpor dushiteliam

Всех пламенных идей,

Of right notions (ideas)

Vsekh plamennykh idej,

Насильникам, грабителям,

Rapists, bandits

Nasilnikam, grabiteliam,

Мучителям людей!

People's tormentors

Muchiteliam liudej!

Припев / Pripev:


Пусть ярость благородная

Let our noble wrath

Pust iarost blagorodnaia

Вскипает как волна,

Seethe like waves

Vskipaet kak volna,

Идет война народная,

The national war is going

Idet vojna narodnaia,

Священная война!

The Sacred War

Sviashchennaia vojna!

Не смеют крылья черные

Don't their black wings dare

Ne smeiut krylia chernye

Над Родиной летать,

Fly over our Motherland

Nad Rodinoj letat,

Поля её просторные

Don't the ennemy dare tread

Polia eio prostornye

Не смеет враг топтать!

Our immense fields

Ne smeet vrag toptat!

Припев / Pripev:


Пусть ярость благородная

Let our noble wrath

Pust iarost blagorodnaia

Вскипает как волна,

Seethe like waves

Vskipaet kak volna,

Идет война народная,

The national war is going

Idet vojna narodnaia,

Священная война!

The Sacred War

Sviashchennaia vojna!

Гнилой фашистской нечисти

Let us put a bullet into the brow

Gniloj fashistskoj nechisti

Загоним пулю в лоб,

Of the rotten fascist vermin

Zagonim puliu v lob,

Отребью человечества

Let us make a strong coffin

Otrebiu chelovechestva

Сколотим крепкий гроб!

For such breed

Skolotim krepkij grob!

Припев / Pripev:


Пусть ярость благородная

Let our noble wrath

Pust iarost blagorodnaia

Вскипает как волна,

Seethe like waves

Vskipaet kak volna,

Идет война народная,

The national war is going

Idet vojna narodnaia,

Священная война!

The Sacred War

Sviashchennaia vojna!


A beautiful my stepmom is from there. A real husky territory ❤


Sir land price and wheat farming please gide me


Сергей, зачем ты некоторые русские слова говоришь с акцентом. Почему "уЩанка-щоу"? Это всё-равно если бы тебя обучая английскому просили повторить не "каа" (автомобиль), а "каР".


I have a very serious and honest question about the politics of Russia and it relates too the Soviet Union but in a different way. I grew up with a dad who had a strong hatred of communism (Specifically the Communism of the Soviet Union) as he grew up during the Cold War, did the Soviets have that same hatred for Americans as we did for them during the time u grew up (even if it’s not the same time frame my dad grew up ) and what is a modern Russian’s (who has not been too the US) attitude twords Americans. I love the videos and you are helping me learn about a country (The Soviet Union and modern day Russia) I have been absolutely fascinated by as a kid. Keep making the videos.


Hi Sergei. I love this video!
Yes, do more on cities in Russia/Ukraine that we dont know about.
So, what did ya think of the live fest between Trump and Putin today in Helsinki?? Pretty fascinating stuff. (I am huge Trump supporter so no doubt i will have hate in the comments....dont care).
I would LOVE for the US and Russia tk be on better terms. I am very happy about their latest meeting. 🇷🇺🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇸


Fantastic job as always! Your navigation is very charismatic and intelligent and also of course kind and friendly. It is a wonderful combination of characteristics


Thanks for all the fantastic videos! If you have a moment I have a question! What were some of the most popular books read in the Soviet Union? Books were printed in about 120 different languages (including Yiddish) in the Soviet Union, according to Dr. Michael Parenti, so I imagine reading being a rather important part of Soviet Life. I hear that Mark Twain was rather popular among children but I'm not sure of much beyond that (or even of that to be honest). Keep up the good work!


The high here today was 98 F. Watching the video of the frozen river and the ice sculptures gave me a chill, even in this heat. I grew up in Cleveland, and I left partially due to the terrible winters. However, even Cleveland was nothing like Omsk. We'd get to minus 25 C sometimes but that was just for a couple days. I looked up the weather in Omsk for January. The average high is -12 C and the low is -20. The record low is -45 C. Even worse, they get snow on 28 days out of 31, and the total hours of sunshine is just 68, or about eight days in the month. On December 20, the first day of winter, the sun doesn't rise until 9:28 am and sets at 4:39 pm. I guess you learn how to make ice sculptures to keep from going crazy.


Do you know if Russia still has a large manufacturing base or do they buy products from overseas?


Could you join the military by choice, or did the Soviet Union have conscription?


Great video-- please do upload more videos about cities in russia! .. Usually, during cold war, the west associated being in Siberia as a Punishment. was there any truth to that? or what do you think?
