How to write science fiction that doesn't suck.

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A best-selling author of 42 published novels in 10 different series, Rick Partlow shares the secrets of how to write entertaining military SF and space opera.
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Imma just copy an engine repair manual but replace the word “engine” with “warp drive” and “gasoline” with “dark matter”


This was very helpful. I've been writing as a hobby for well over twenty years (never published but never really tried) and my biggest frustration is having no one to talk to about the process of formulating ideas, stories and characters. Thanks for the information and insight from someone who is really doing it.


Thank you so much for this video. Im not an experienced writer but i love fantasy and sci fi and these are the genres that inspire me to write, even though they are not easy. I'm writing a space opera novel and this is the most realistic and useful youtube video that i've found that actually solves my questions and actually guides me towards how this genre works. Thank you!


Great tips. This also reminds me of sone of the tips on writing as given by Roger Zelazny. We lost him in 1995 or thereabouts, he was the MASTER of understatement. He talked about how you should give minimal detail. For a great example read “Lord of Light”. Or “Creatures of light and darkness”. Great reads. I also enjoy your books too Tick having read several of them! Thanks!


Thanks for this! Really enjoy your series, been in that world for best part of 2 years now!


Just wanted to mention the black fleet trilogy, in that series the battles do take place over days and sometimes weeks because he uses real world physics, IE. Going fast in one direction means you can immediately turn around and things take time to move in something as big as space. So entire battles would be tense waiting to see if actions takin 12 hrs before go as planned


Your note about starting on action, is something i've known, but for some reason didn't connect my current project with it. Thank you :)


I am now subscribed and can't wait to read some of your books


Great discussion. I found so many things helpful in this talk. I loved what you said at the end where you were speaking on the rule of cool. I was writing a story and got discouraged because it is soft sci-fi so I got bogged down on researching things to make it more realistic. I found that that just was discouraging.


8:20 that's your dog dreaming he's a Drop Trooper.


I don't mind a small info dump, as long as they don't go overboard. That being said, I just finished Andy Weir's "Project Hail Mary" and it in no way had an info dump. You went chapters trying to figure out what was going on and it's excellent.


Agreed with all you said Rick.

I love it when I'm reading a giood book and I almost don't realise they're info dumping becuase they've weaved it so naturally into the story, or in a way that I want to know the info. I always make sure to highlight it on my kindle so I can study how they did it.


Disagree with "no info dumps" - but from looking at your bibliography it seems mostly military sci-fi which I suppose isn't as "idea-centric" as other sub-genres. I think the key is to know the audience of your sub-genre and adjust info dump sizes as appropriate. I prefer hard science in my reads and I love a nice, info dump.


Excellent talk. Rick is the author drill sergeant everybody needs to shut up and listen to


Didn't know you had a channel, thanks for sharing. Loved your books, though I am sad that they're not available in print.


I've never heard of you, or your books but thank you so much for this video. I'm going to start reading your books, where should I start as a brand new reader of your books?


And holy shit, dude. 42 novels? I didn't realize you had that many out there.


I started your Drop Trooper series after first seeing you on the SFF.con in June. I'm really enjoying it. You made me cry! I agree that you can tell from the first preview page on Amazon if an author will be any good by how much they info dump. What astounds me also is the number of indie writers who write with "white room syndrome" and terrible dialog, yet make money.


Nice to have authors sharing their experience when it comes specifically to Scifi writing! Lots of good points here.

I was getting stuck at the beginning of my novel on the details about time and calendar systems (for a society that doesnt orbit a sun), and that was causing me from progressing in my story.

Your examples about Hard Science Fiction vs Soft Scifi, and explaining weapons tech to issues about artificial-gravity systems helped me in deciding to keep certain details of my story simple so I could focus on the more important and immediate stuff. I've left the details out for now, and will get into them after revision, once I've decided how important they are and how they can be incorporated within a scene.


It's not necessary to use the alcubiere model... just negative matter (not dark matter !)
