American Gospel: Spirit & Fire | Extended Preview

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An extended 12-minute preview of the docuseries ‘American Gospel: Spirit & Fire” is now available!

Read more: “Creating the Extended Preview: Why Interview the Opposition?”

A massive theological movement has been sweeping through the Church in recent decades. Millions of professing Christians around the world believe that God is restoring the lost offices of apostle and prophet to church government. They claim these restored apostles and prophets are needed to usher in a global end times revival by delivering new revelations and performing great signs and wonders. This modern apostolic and prophetic paradigm has been called the “New Apostolic Reformation.” Though there is some debate over that label (NAR), the core issues place a demand on all Christians to respond to these claims of authority.

Has Christ Himself sent these new apostles and prophets to His Church? These are not trivial claims. If God is truly behind these leaders, then Christians of all denominations need to start heeding their words and implementing their teachings. Christ and His apostles warned us that false prophets would come, and that we would know them by their fruits. How do we Biblically judge the fruit of this modern apostolic and prophetic movement in truth and love?
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i used to be apart of this movement... when i left, i lost my faith and so did my best friend. one day it just hit us, like "what are we doing?" i began to hate the christian church and all my family who was apart of it, i even got my wife to do the same. after a long journey of hatred and betrayal, i found the real Jesus in His Word. i am saved by His grace now. pray my friend comes back to Jesus, too.


I was saved into this movement and then saved out of it, praise God for His faithfulness!!! ❤️🙏🏽 can’t wait to see the full series


A lot of us are on the edge of our seats waiting for Part 3 of American Gospel. The series has been nothing short of masterful. Soli Deo Gloria.


I am looking forward to this documentary. As someone whose grandfather and two different cousins are pastors in NAR churches, and also someone who was taken to a healing conference as a teen suffering with OCD, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies. I can say first hand, this movement not only represents scripture falsely, but leads to looking at God like a genie, divination through scripture, and then ultimately to disappointment and doubt when you continue to strive and struggle after a certain amount of faith in order to bring healing or rid yourself of a spirit.

The peace comes when you realize that there is a will, and a purpose for everything God does, and it is always good. My struggles produce steadfastness, that bring glory to God. I can trust him in that, even in the suffering, and that brings peace.


They drive people away from truth. This is heartbreaking.
I pray for the lords sovereign will.


Can’t wait until the entire film is available! Should be a great conversation starter!


I love how they are showing both sides just like in Christ Crucified. You will see which side holds to the authority and sufficiency of scripture and which side does not.


The best thing is that Father, JESUS CHRIST is always watching, , only time will tell


Watching this trailer is like seeing a highlight reel of everything I was raised in and then saved out of. Part of my journey out of NAR was seeing the gospel presented so clearly in AG1. Thank you so much for the work you guys are doing and keep it up!


Jesus Christ came to save sinners from the Wrath of God


I love how they invite people from both sides to weigh in and portray as balanced and accurate a picture as possible. I praise God for this initiative, as I can tell the heart is to bring truth, in a spirit of unity, in the body of Christ. This is honoring to Christ. Thank you!


Went through Toronto blessing down here in Australia and must say it was an eye opener. Tunnels of fire people knocking down chairs etc I said Lord if this is truly from you I will receive it and nothing happened when I went down the front. I stayed in the charismatic Pentecostal movement for about 20 years and one day in church the Lord opened my eyes to what was happening there and I left. Lots of wasted years and no real fruit in my life. Sola scripture changed my life as I heard it preached for the first time and it changed me from the inside out. I’m more a reformed type of man these days and have grown in His word. Still can’t take all the charismatic out of me I still love to left my hands unto my Father in Heaven when in worship.


Can't wait to see this. Having been raised Byzantine Orthodox on one side and Pentecostal on the other, I was saved at 13, taught about the gifts, but not as something to seek after. My grandad always told me to ask God to mold me into a vessel for His glory. I went to a church later that started to follow teachings of "Wimber". My gramma warned me about it. Suffice to say, the Lord brought me out of it. I do believe The Holy Spirit moves in healing as my moma was born dead, at home, my grandparents prayed, she began to breath, color instantly returned and the Dr and the midwife gave their lives to Jesus after hearing the good news. BUT... I have a retarded brother and a quadriplegic son. Could God heal them, yes!!! Has HE recieved glory through them? Yes!!! Should we pray for them to be healed? YES...but learning to give praise when the fig tree fails to blossom....and to ask The Lord of Glory to transform all of us into vessels that can be used at all times. MARANATHA!!


So grateful and excited that there are believers out there who care about Truth enough to put this together- and I do hope and pray this is one of many ways the Holy Spirit uses to lead us into all Truth. Lies keep us in bondage; Truth sets us free.


I left those teachings its been extremely difficult to undo all the damage. I have not one person I can talk to and if I share truth with my family I’m labeled as not having the Holy Spirit or I’m legalistic, so I’m all alone and I have no idea where to start looking for a church (Wichita Kansas) that isn’t into this WOF and NAR)


Hmm… I bet there are more like me out there. I was raised going to revivals here and there. They’d always see me doing my sign language and at several points people would attempt to pray for my healing and nothing would happen. They’d quietly shuffle away and whisper about me when I wasn’t looking. I love the Lord. I believe He is sovereign and can use the pain of this life for his glory. He’s given me everything so he can take anything He wants.

The charismatic movement has done so much damage.

Forgive them Father… they don’t know what they’re doing. Open their eyes. If you can use my pain to do so your will be done.


Oh my!! I watched this and is drawn more to the Living God! The God who still performs miracles!!!😍


THE WORD OF GOD IS WHERE THE POWER IS. HIS WORDS - not any man’s word. We needed this film to be reminded of that truth. Thanks fam.


I'm apart of the charismatic movement and have been for 10 years. Since 2019 I've wanted to see the church be unified in Christ whether they're charismatic or reformed. I felt like crying when I saw the end of this preview because I almost felt like my prayers have been answered because it seems as though there's genuine conversations happening on both sides of the body of christ, which was never supposed to be divided in the first place. My heart has broken over and over as I've heard leaders of my own tell me that "Baptists quench the spirit" or hearing baptist friends of mine say "Charasmatics are heretical and blasphemous". I'm glad to say that I've been a bridge to that gap in many circumstances, and I hope this movie will help the body of Christ at large come together. 
There are real false teachers out there, I believe there's flawed ones too, and I believe the distinction between those are incredibly important. What I've observed is people on both sides genuinely trying to seek after Jesus, both as best as they can through their understanding of scripture. Please join me in praying for the body to come together in truth and in the name of Jesus, despite our theological differences.


These documentaries have made me rethink my walk with Christ and grow as a Christian. I can’t thank you all enough for continuing this amazing series. May God bless you all for the good work.
