1 Fact about Every Gym Leader in Pokémon

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Facts about all the gym laders in the main series Pokemon games (rip Alola)

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Poké Amino: TheAuraGuardian

#Pokemon #GymLeaders #PokemonFacts

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Larry is the only Paldean gym leader who terastrallizes a pokémon of his type specialty. Also, he's the only gym leader who's also an elite 4 member simultaneously, unlike Koga.


At 7:13 The reason why the triplets didn’t confronted the Sages at N’s castle alongside the other gym leaders was because they were actually intercepted and defeated in battle by the Shadow Triad. The Triad later went on to Shame them by saying that they were too weak, and unworthy of being gym leaders.

This made them quit their gym leader career temporarily and focus on training and asked Cheren to replace them as gym leader in the meantime.

The cutscene I'm referring to also debunks the theory that the triplets were the shadow triad in secret, explaining why they didn't confront the sages near the end of the story.

There are numerous cutscenes (called "Memory Link", which is a feature available in the game) that show what happened to several characters in BW and what happened between BW and BW2, thereby explaining many narratives that the prequel game left unresolved.


Clay is a Japanese (so like Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, or Sinnoh) business man who moved to Unova, and became a cowboy. This is a true fact


Also another fact that you didn't recognize is that Ryme has a twin sister named Tyme who specializes in rock types. Tyme's hair looks like jagged mountain peaks.


Larry using flying type pokemon is subtle reference him wanting to jump off a building


Three fun facts about Valerie! from pokemon X and Y

1: she is originally from Johto
2: she used to be a model and dresses like this as she wants to be a pokemon. She made her own dress too.
3: Her outfit weights 33 pounds and she is actually a bit muscular due to her wearing this outfit.


I would love if there is a joke upload along with every proper video and we'd have to guess which one is the proper one


Gordie's name is the diminutive of Gordon, that means "from Scotland" (since Galar it's based on UK and regions close to it). It also sounds similar to "gorge" which is a large valley between two mountains normally split by a river (hence the rock type)

Also, I'm pretty sure it's implied that the guy in Bea's rare league card is her martial arts teacher, not a boyfriend (that's why it uses the same kind of clothes as the fighting type npcs). Since her parents made her learn martial arts from a very young age. Given Bea's connection to Korrina in the anime I wouldn't be surprised if Gurkin (Korrina's grandfather) was Bea's martial arts teacher at some point in the past.

Katy's hair is meant to look like a cocoon and her voluptuous body type is a very clever design choice made on purpose to make her reference insects with segmented bodies (like ants or wasps for example) to further relate her to the bug type. Which is pretty cool.

By the way, Ryme's hair also looks like a spine if you look at her back.


Another fact about Katy is that her name comes from Katydid which is a type of Grasshopper. This is reinforced by the fact that she uses Lokix on her team which is based off of a Grasshopper.


Fun fact: Since Pokémon money is equivalent to Japan’s yen, Valerie’s outfits do not cost $2, 000, 000. They will however, run you up a check of $14, 513.94, which is actually kinda cheap considering how much certain articles of clothing can go for.


Elesa in Pokemon Masters isn't redesigned, it's her Signa Suit, kind of special outfit that most of characters in this game had. Elesa in Master has her BW2 outfit, but BW outfit is available too as "Classic Elesa". Also, there are other outfits for her in this game


Imagine if Chili, Cilan and Cress had been a triple or Rotation Battle?


Regarding Raihan, Lance actually based his outfit off of RAIHAN'S! So Raihan wasn't inspired by Lance, but the other way around! Another fun fact about Gordie is that he's the only version exclusive Gym Leader in Galar to not use a Gen 1 Pokémon for Gigantamax. Gordie has a Coalossal as his ace, while Allister chooses Gengar, Bea chooses Machamp, and Melony chooses Lapras. And another Gym Leader that uses an impossible Pokémon is Fantina. In the The Battle Between Legendary Pokémon in BW2, a download tournament within the Pokémon World Tournament, Fantina uses Origin Forme Giratina holding a Ghost Gem. But a Giratina couldn't hold a Ghost Gem outside the Distortion World to turn into its Origin Forme as it needs a Griseous Orb.


Here's another fact about the two gym leaders of Stow-on-Side.

Despite having her glove on her right hand, Bea appears to take a southpaw fighting stance. Mustard is seen doing this exact stance with a few differences.

Allister is left-handed, but he appears to be throwing with more focus on his right hand. This likely means either the glove goes on the person's writing hand or they ran out of right-handed ghost trainer gloves.

Also, if you make a video for the elite 4, I think you'll also do the same thing you did with Grusha to Rika, saying, "Rika... it's a girl, " and whatever else you might say about her. (And I'm still shocked they allowed a literal five-year-old in the elites.)


re: Clay
I think the fact that he's supposed to be Japanese is pretty interesting. I always saw him as a cliched Texan man but apparently he's based on a character archetype of a Japanese businessman striking it rich in the States


Iono's name is a pun on both "Ion" and "I don't know". As evidence by her stream intro being "Whosawhatsit? Iono!" as in "Who is that? I don't know!".

This is because her Japanese name is "Nanjamo" a phrase roughly meaning "What is that?", and such her ser stream intro in Japanese is "Nanjamon ja? Nanjamo!"


Maybe I’m misinterpreting this, but it’s possible to have a Pokémon learn two egg moves from two different original parent Pokémon. For example in Gen 7 (SMUSUM) my Alolan Nintetales on Sun knows both Freeze Dry & Moonblast. I simply bred a female Alolan Vulpix with a male Sylveon to learn Moonblast. I continued hatching until I got a female Alolan Vulpix that knows Moonblast. Using my 2nd 3DS and I eventually taught my Moon male Smeargle Freeze Dry via battling my Vanilluxe on Sun. Traded the Smeargle over to Sun after the battle, then bred it with my newly evolved female Alolan Ninetales w/ Moonblast. From there Every hatched Alolan Vulpix knows BOTH Freeze Dry & Moonblast, two eggs moves from TWO different parents being Smeargle and Sylveon respectively. I now have so many of these in my Pokémon home, a few of which I transferred over to Gen 8 (SwSh). Currently on Gen 9 (SV) I did a very similar but much easier process having plenty of Baxcalinur knowing both Freeze Dry & Dragon Rush. While yes it’s a very lengthy process however my point is that it’s very much possible to do this legally, without cheats, bots, etc. A Pokémon knowing two eggs moves from different parents isn’t necessarily illegal. Again, let me know if I misinterpreting anything. ☺️


Larry's use of the flying type in his elite four battle is also a subtle reference to his dream of "flying" off a building.


I will mention one other fact about Erika: she's also a gym leader who's ace has changed 3 times, her ace was Vileplume in gen 1, Bellossom in gen 2 and then Tangrowth in gen 4 (due to her dojo rematch as her strongest mon there is Tangrowth, so I'll count it)


FINALLY, a fact about Clemont that's not about his name THANK YOU! ya know what you've earned a new subscriber
