BATTLE - Bowtech SS34 VS Mathews PHASE 4 33

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BATTLE - Bowtech SS34 VS Mathews PHASE 4 33

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SS34 is winner in many aspects and if you tested performance mod it's still smooth but 8-10 ft/s faster. It's 2 db louder than Mathews which in real situation is negligible. Great job Bowtech!


SS34 for me. There are things I like on the Mathews too. One thing I really don’t like about the Mathews is if you relax at all at full draw, it wants to take off on you. I realize this helps “keep you honest” and you should pull through the shot, but it’s not great when you are at full draw waiting and waiting for a shot opportunity on an animal. They are super dead/quiet and the shot feels great though. SS34 just a better fit for me.


Go to your local archery shop, pick every bow that is in your budget, stand 5 feet from the target. Have the tech blindfold you then hand you bows at random, not telling you what bow it is. Then rank them on a 0-5 scale, 5 being the best. When your done, look at where you ranked each bow. You might be surprised on what bow feels and shoots best for you. Don’t buy a because it’s said to be better. Shoot what fits you and feels good.


They actually need to be set to IBO testing spec to compare apples to apples. Bowtech on performance, and Mathews with 80% mods. Your comparison is anything but apples to apples. It's like gifting the Mathews an advantage, which it needs, to appear better than the Bowtech. Even in performance, the Bowtech has a better draw, and less of harsh dump into the backwall. Bowtech has the Deadlock system, way superior for tuning. Bowtech you can put Lucky stops on for adjusting your preferred holding weight and feel. The only real ding on the Bowtech is the cable issue with factory strings. Even then, zebra strings are nothing to write home about.


Dude, test them at 30”, I’m sure you can pull it back a little further even if that’s not your draw length, and put the dang Bowtech on performance! Test them at both their IBO settings! Then we can really see the differences!


Did you measure the true draw length? Mathews are known to run 3/8” long which will give it more speed where Bowtech is usually spot on with draw length.


I ended up getting the Phase 4 33 simply because my local shop had just sold their SS34. I may pick up the SS34 next year though, or go with one of their target bows.


I agree, those are both awesome bows. Bowtech made some good strides this year and Mathews managed to make improvements over the V3X which is really saying something…..but man, you put a lot of face pressure on your string!


Great review but you need to review the Bowtech on performance because that's what all their listed specs are based on...thanks for the review...Bowtech all the way!


I think you should have shot Btech in performance mode. The draw cycle is still likely as smooth as the Mathews but out shoots it speedwise/ a possible wash. I'm Shilling for the SS34 cause i just bought one, haha!


I'm an Oregon native, I grew up on Bowtechs and I love some of their features but... Mathews, absolutely Mathews. The Phase 4 and the V3x are the best shooting "hunting" bows on the market.


Bowtech Flip Disc technology and Dead Lock tuning for the Win!


What's the price for that replacement grip on the mathews 1-200 $ . shouldn't itt come free????


Why shoot the Mathews with a $200+ stabilizer and nothing on the Bowtech?


I had a bowtec icon bow, mine was stolen and need to replace it. I loved the icon bow but have heard great reviews about the Mathew’s. After hearing your reviews on both the bowtec and Mathew’s, I just may need to buy both👍


Just looking at both bows side by side. The grip alone is already better, you tend to get a better feel of the bow.
It almost tell you where your vibration is coming from. Closest you can get to a target bow. But truly this days is hard to choose a flag ship bow from any manufacturer, because they are all good. Now, when it comes to technology the bowtech ss34 smoke the Mathews. That’s coming from a mattews guy.


I Love my SS 34. And i Love the death Look System. Ist is so easy to tune


Both are amazing, I’ve shot them. It’s a hard pick. But Bowtech draw on comfort, and the adjusts you can make with an Allen key is a big one. If you flip the mods to proformance the speeds and the feel are the same. I’d go with the 34, but can’t go wrong with either


Shot and tuned both. Get the SS34. Also No limb cracking issues likes the phase 4.


I was looking at the Mathews but now leaning towards the Bowtech SS34 or SR350. For the price of the Mathews you would expect the same adjustability as the Bowtech or other brands. Instead you need a bow press to play around with top hats and modules just to get anywhere near the Bowtech deadlock system plus spend extra $ to get it right. Mathews is really starting to lose it and charging more for split limbs and more rubber, plus overpriced proprietary bridge lock stabilisers and scope mounts just shows you they are not worth the money.
