Somatic movement for exercise intolerance

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Inside this video: Do you feel continually fatigued and depleted after you workout? And it's not giving the energy and endorphins it's 'supposed to? You're not alone. Many individuals grapple with exercise intolerance, a condition that can result in physical activity draining the body, rather than energising it. In this exploration, let's delve into exercise intolerance and how somatic movement may offer a transformative solution.

My name is Benjamyn Fergusson & I currently live in Australia.
I'm the founder of Movement Monk (Movement Medicine Courses) & the MOVEMENT+ app. I overcame chronic pain and movement restrictions and became the strongest, most flexible I've ever been, so I could live an adventurous life. Our mission is to help you to become kick-ass at 100 (or whatever age you get to).
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Do you feel continually fatigued and depleted after you workout? And it's not giving the energy and endorphins it's 'supposed to? You're not alone. Many individuals grapple with exercise intolerance, a condition that can result in physical activity draining the body, rather than energising it. In this exploration, let's delve into exercise intolerance and how somatic movement may offer a transformative solution.


This conversation is very insightful for the times. The whole idea/culture of exercise has to be examined.


Chronic fatigue, mold recovery, and autoimmune 🙋🏻‍♀️ if my muscles go too hard my whole body crashes.


Have you ever heard of a case where someone doesn't feel tired/fatigued after exercise too much, but feeling depressed, anxious, racing thoughts? It's like emotional/psycho exercise intolerance?

Over the last 6 months I notice even on walks I feel at times lightheaded, but even if I start walking 1 hour a day, which is not strenuous, I get more racing thoughts, anxiety, depression.

It's not just a case of being alone with my thoughts, because I do this in different ways and don't get the same effects, it's specifically physical activity that's triggering it.

I've been having all sorts of physical tests done and nothing showing as obvious cause. It may just be psychosomatic, but not sure.

It's like my body doesn't want me to exercise. I'd understand if it was high intense physical activity that caused it as I know it raises cortisol, but it's literally just walking for significant periods of time. If I stop physical activity including non necessary walking, the symptoms calm themselves right down by about 70-80%.

Why is my body/brain so reactive to exercise now on an emotional/psychological level?
