15 Things Your Dogs Do for You Without You Knowing

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As responsible pet owners, there’s a long list of things that we do to keep our dogs happy, healthy and engaged. But, did you know there are many things your canine friend does for you every day?
In this video, we will talk about 15 things that your dog does for you and explain the benefits of having a dog.

They comfort you when you are sad
Dogs can understand when their owners are sad or anxious through visual observations, auditory clues, and changes in our scent. Studies have shown that dogs not only feel distress when they see that their owners are sad, but will also try to do something to help. When you are feeling blue, many dogs will offer comfort by cuddling next to or licking you. Some dogs will put a toy in your lap, or nudge you to cheer you up.
They greet you when you come home
Researchers have observed that some wild dog species will lick other members of the pack to welcome them when they return home. When your dog licks you when you come home, it is their way of greeting you … like they are saying ‘Welcome back!'.
Licking can also be a way for dogs to bond with family members. For example, mother dogs will often lick their puppies to groom them and offer comfort.
If your dog licks you frequently, it’s not always because you have the residues of yummy food on your skin. They do it because they want to groom you to show that they care about your well-being and strengthen their bond with you.
They make you more attractive
Studies have shown women are more attracted to men with dogs than men without dogs. People with dogs are perceived as being nicer and more caring individuals.
They keep your heart healthy
Cuddling and petting your dog produces a calm, relaxed feeling which is caused by the release of oxytocin in the brain. This feel-good chemical makes your body feel more peaceful and even helps to lower blood pressure.
This also translates to a decreased risk of heart disease. One study found that dog owners are 31% less likely to die from a heart attack or stroke than non-dog owners.
They protect you when you sleep
Have you ever wondered why your dog sleeps near you at night?
Many dogs are well aware that they, and their humans, are vulnerable when sleeping.
Sleeping close-by is one way to stay safe and protect you, and themselves, should a predator launch a nighttime attack.
Another reason that dogs like to sleep next to you is to share warmth.
When your dog snuggles with you, they are seeking warmth and helping your stay warm. Of course, dogs also sleep with you to show you affection and love!
They care for you when you are sick
Dogs have an acute sense of smell, and so have the ability to sniff out a chemical change in a human body caused by a disease. Most dogs respond to a sick individual by becoming empathetic and more attentive. They lie beside you or cuddle you.
They help you live longer
There is scientific research that suggests dog owners live longer than those without pets. This is mainly because pets alleviate tension and help us relax. They keep loneliness at bay. They even help lower our blood pressure.
Their puppy-dog eyes make you happier
Just looking at a dog can lift your spirits. A 2009 study in Japan found that staring into your dog’s eyes raises your level of oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone.”. So looking at your dog isn’t just pleasant, it’s physiologically beneficial to you
They boost your immune system
A study in the scientific journal Pediatrics has found that children who live with pets have a lower predisposition for general illness. Additionally, those who do end up becoming sick, recover more quickly. This is because having a pet stimulates and strengthens a child’s immune system and helps better protect against bacteria and viruses.
They keep you safe
A dogs’ natural instinct is to protect their family.
Whether you’re taking your canine friend out for a walk or getting all snuggled up in bed, just having Fido around can help put your mind at ease.
They encourage you to move
Those long treks along sidewalks, trails, and fetch games add up. A 2019 British study discovered that dog owners are nearly four times more likely than non-dog owners to meet daily physical activity guidelines.
They make you feel less alone.
Dogs can be there for you even when people can’t. They offer unconditional love, emotional support, and constant cuddles that help stave off social isolation.
They protect your baby
Dogs know your little one is a member of their pack, and that they are the most vulnerable. Because dogs have a strong instinct to guard their pack and family members, they can be very protective of your baby.
They prevent allergies for you and your loved ones
Sharing a home with a furred animal exposes you to pet dander which stimulates your immune system to help reduce the risks of allergies and asthma.
They help lower stress levels
Multiple studies have shown that dogs help alleviate stress and anxiety.
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Dogs are awesome. My dog has taught me a lot, changed my life. Treat them well and with respect, you will get all that back in return and more.


I have a lot of mental health problems, and I honestly wouldn't be alive right now without my dog. He's helped me more than I ever could have imagined. I will never live without a dog again. They can bring so much positivity to the world. I don't understand how or why there are people that are heartless enough to abuse them. I wish I could rescue every dog from that evil.


I love my dog so much…he has been there for me in some of my toughest moments..his presence comforts me in a way none of my friends do …he is truly my best friend


My pitbull is the love of my life at 70 yrs old. Have 2 sons in their 40's but don't see them but 2 times a yr. My pit is always with me.


We’ve definitely had the experience with one of our dogs being a “nurse”. When one of us was sick in bed, she would stay in bed with us all day!


I walked my little dog around the block every morning without fail for years.
When I came home from surgery, my little dog understood and patiently waited for that walk around the block again.


My dog is a rescue dog, i adopted her when she was 4 months old and now she is 7 years old She is very smart and protective over me. We sleep together ever since my wife passed over 3 years ago and has kept me company ever since. I know sje loves me from her actions and things she does and i love her more than anything we are best friends sharing a lonely together and she makes me very happy 😊


As a combat vet with PTSD, my dog is essential in keeping me 'even'. She is a little angel who is always there when I need a shoulder to cry on.


Animals are better than people. I can be having the worst day of my life and with just one look at my puppy's loving eyes, all the stress and anger melt away. Hes still young so when he goes to sleep he makes sure I'm there lol and when he naps on the floor while you sitting one of his paws is always touching as if to know when I move. My pup is the love of my life and a great help for my grief (just lost my beloved brother)


We would never be without at least one dog. Have had as many as three and they are everything you said.


Yeah, it's true that they stay with you when you are sick or feeling down... I remember a couple of years ago I had a very bad migraine, that I had to stay in bed for almost 3 days and my dog never left my side. The only time he left my side was to go eat, drink water or go for a walk. For me, dogs are earth angels.


I rescued two little “ poodles” almost two years ago after my two dogs died during the “pandemic”. The “poodles” turned out to be yorkies. Buddy(the boy) had been abused at some point in his life (he’s about 7 according to the vets) and has no lower jaw and is blind in one eye. And his partner CeeCee is tiny, as in very tiny bit no signs of trauma. I was concerned about Buddy (yes he’s named after a particular elf that we watched the night he came home) due to his physical issues. Long story short, Buddy is the highlight of my day. He knows me better than I do. He combs my beard, calms me down and comforts me if he even thinks I’m upset. I lost my Dad to dementia Christmas 2020 and Buddy hasn’t left my side since. He is my Velcro. Both are amazing beings ( they are not animals to me). He guards the bathroom door when I enter it and will not allow anyone CeeCee nor the cat to come near. He definitely has a napoleon complex going on. He seems to think he is a bull mastiff not a tiny yorkie. He will gum you to def if he thinks you’re coming towards me. I don’t think I would have made it through the past two years if it wasn’t for them. They have become very special entities to me. I had a Sheltie many years ago that I guided out her mama and held in my hands as she crossed the bridge, I never imagined another dog would ever replace her, but then prances Buddy and CeeCee into my life and I wouldn’t trade them for a trillion dollars. Petals human grandma once told me to mirror dog. And I now understand completely what she ment.


So true, a few years ago my doctor put me on pain meds for a couple months following a bout of chronic pancreatitis, and when I stopped taking them I went into withdrawal (the worst thing Ive ever experienced) and our dog stayed in bed with me and cuddled with me thru it all, the night sweats cramps body aches mood swings etc... she was the biggest comfort and the sweetest little girl ever. I will love her forever for that, and I will never forget the kindness and unconditional love she gave me when I needed it most. She was 1 year old havanese, at the time, and shes just as sweet now. I would do anything for her.


I agree last year I was ill and doctor advised me to get a dog it's the best medicine feel so much better they make you feel good and give so much love


8 month old German Shepard. Overly protective and today was her first experience with a skunk. She does enjoy pushing all my limits. But in the end, i wouldn't give her up. Only had her a few weeks, she was destined for a shelter. She is stubborn, but very loyal


I love how my dogs know when I’m upset and come to comfort me. It’s sucky a great feeling seeing how happy they get when I come home from work💕


I've heard that children can learn how to love from the family dog. That's pretty great! I walk on campus with my dog and he makes 50 people smile.


whenever i cry in front of my dog, he runs up and licks all the tears away. it’s sweet and always makes me laugh


First dog in 1997. I have had 2 dogs since 2000. Dogs need a buddy. Now on #5 & 6. KoKo and Mercí.
Truly a blessing to take care of 6 - all female Pitbulls. Made Covid stay at home orders easier too.


I have 3 companions that sleeps with me and I love them with my whole heart! Thanks for the facts
