1983 GenX Applicant

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She had me when she said she wrote a list, and it was on paper.


But does she know the relationship between cassette tape and #2 pencil?


I'm so glad I wasn't the only Gen x who had this kinda childhood LMFAO. Don't forget about the swingset that came off the ground when you would swing too high haha


On behalf of my fellow early 1980's applicants I'd like to add:

We learned to use actual card catalogs because the digital ones didn't exist yet.

We know how to adjust rabbit ears and dials to get cartoons to tune in. Also wire hangers, and aluminum foil.

We know how cool walkie talkies were before cell phones were a thing. (And if you hold down the morse code button too close to the old tv, some of the tubes in it blow up... or so I'm told... I was nowhere nearby when the TV died.)

We flew kites.

Clothes were more likely to be thrown out due to being too shredded, burned, blood stained, or gummed up with tree sap than us actually growing out of them.

Many of us used 8 tracks and record players when we were kids (at least i don't think that was just me).

I could go on. Our non-millenial resumes are extensive.


I cast my vote to approve her application. GEN X isn't about calenders. It's about attitude and experience.


Born in 1975. To this day, I still carry a pen and index card so I don't forget anything.


I vote her in. Anybody who has ironed their shorts while wearing them on a metal slide mid-summer and doesn't snivel on about their trauma or subsequent PTSD qualifies as a hardened Gen X. Welcome aboard sister.


Ahhh… the good old days of “accidentally” breaking the giant mercury thermometers in high-school science class while the teacher was “out”, and then throwing palmfuls of the mysterious liquid marvel at your friends with everyone laughing their arses off….. I do believe it was the inspiration for the new-model T1000 Terminator some years later.


My elementary teachers told my class we were Gen X. I was born in 1983 and I grew up believing I was Gen X and Pluto was a planet. I’m not giving up being Gen X anymore than I’m giving up Pluto being a planet. No.


1975 here. She went though a lot of our experiences. I say we accept her. She listed her reasoning and was polite about it.


Latchkey kid here. The first time I ever heard of parents staying home with their kids when they are sick, was after I became an adult.


‘77 baby here…I’ve always told my ‘83 sister that she’s an honorary Gen X’r, especially because she grew up liking a lot of things I liked by default & with the same parenting style. I vote for your application to be approved.


I approve of her joining the ranks of the gen x. She survived the metal slides on hot days and the playgrounds at McDonalds. Plus, she wrote her list on paper.


She’s considered only if the greatest movie of the era are as follows: The Goonies, and/or The Breakfast Club. And she must know the difference between GoBots and Transformers. 😂😊


‘81 here. Had a black and white tv with rabbit ears on top of the floor model that didn’t work. Walked to school. Was fed breakfast in the summer, then told get out. Knew how to fix a bike chain and replace the inner tube. And remember thinking the internet was invented in the late 90’s.


There is still nothing better than cold well water coming out of a hose on a hot day. It’s better than any bottled spring water.


And we loved our blockbusters, and radioshack stores. And don't forget about Saturday morning cartoons. Damn, I miss it all.


Everything she said is something a 90's kid would've experienced too, shows generations don't really change, things do.


My youngest brother is technically a millenial that has six older GenX siblings.

He had the same upbringing as the rest of us, same tastes in music because he had to listen to ours, had to watch the same TV and movies we liked, was subjected to the same technological changes as us because our household was always lagging well behind the cutting edge, was forced to listen to us rant about the issues we cared about instead of his peers, and generally was marinated in the same cynical irony and seared in the same "shit happens, so better get yours together" pan of reality as the rest of us.

He in fact cannot stand or even understand most other millenials, and by all rights qualifies as an honorary Gen-Xer.


This woman is clearly one of us and should be accepted with honors
