Is There a Cure for Hypothyroidism?

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Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland does not secrete enough hormones.

About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show hosted by ER physician Dr. Travis Stork and co-hosted by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, along with dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra, OB-GYN Dr. Nita Landry, and neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho.

The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.
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It’s easy to tell people not to self medicate or go the homeopathy route and go see a dr, but it’s incredibly difficult to actually get your dr to order the necessary bloodwork in the first place. They won’t order the full panel so when results come back “normal” they tell you it’s all in your head and peddle antidepressants instead. It takes years of doing your own research, then convincing your dr, going through several different doctors until you find one that actually takes you seriously. Self medicating doesn’t sound like such a bad option considering all that.


I had hyperthyroidism with severe symptoms & was put on several meds just to function. I decided I didn’t want to be on medicine for the rest of my life so I changed my diet (went vegetarian & then vegan), started working out & taking care of body naturally. 3 years later, I’m doing great & off all thyroid meds & my blood levels are better than ever 🙌🏾 thank GOD! Please be mindful of what you are putting into your body, including these medicines.


I have hypothyroidism and once I FINALLY found out I had it my Dr was like oh yeah the weight will just melt off with you on the forward 7 yrs later with eating right and uping my dosage I'm now BIGGER then I started 😭😭😭


When I was diagnosed I was in the BEST shape of my life. 127lbs. I was also napping constantly. If I sat down I would fall asleep. People connect weight gain too much with this condition. Don’t eat more than you burn. Count your calories ladies. Taking responsibility is a huge release. It’s in your power. Also every Dr I have ever seen has checked my blood every three months and told me it is not curable.


Went to many doctors at the age of 16 and now 21, NO doctor ever told me I’d have thyroid issues, they once blamed it on my colon or my diet or having vitamins deficiency. Asked for a thyroid test cause I can feel my neck is a lil puffy, but they refuse every time, like, Oh no you’re still young for thyroid issues, oh but your not fat, your eyes look fine … while I was dying young, finally decided will get my own blood test for the three hormones. My TSH levels came out normal as well as my T3, but my T4 were VERY low under 10.0, the lab told me that I clearly have hypothyroidism and now I need to go see a doctor. But I’m afraid of going on meds . There could be a root cause and I don’t want to just go on meds to replace a hormone that my body should be Normally making .. I understand everyone with these chronic conditions . Stay blessed and don’t lose hope ❤️


I was depressed for 26 years since I was a teenager & 11 years ago once I went to the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack, after the doctors did blood work that’s when they told me I had low thyroidism. When I went to my doctor with the referral from the hospital, the doctor gave me Levothyroxine. Within one our after taking the medication, I felt like a brand new man. All of the chest pains and my depression totally disappeared, I feel absolutely great. As far as gaining weight, all I do is eat healthy by not eating sugary sweets and running around the block and I’m fine.


It’s maddening when you have been diagnosed with a thyroid issue and some doctors act as if it is not a factor.


I was born with hypothyroidism . Currently taking euthyrox 200. I really feel like it has a dramatic impact on m life. Recently i have been feeling very down, fatigued, unfocused, and spaced out. Plus I have very thin brittle hair and my body just feels very painful and broken down. I just wish i can cure it so I can feel normal for once in my life.


I was born with hypothyroidism and I've been getting bullied bc of it since kindergarten (I'm a freshman now) knowing that there is no cure is making me wanna cry


Before you start following any guide on Youtube or anywhere on the internet, make sure you really have thyroid issue. Get a blood test done to make sure of it. Otherwise you will end up like the case that the woman in the video saying.


Well I can tell you that cold water swimming (open water swimming) can cure subclinical hypothyroidism. The water doesn't have to be super cold 15-16c or 60f is fine.I've been doing that and I feel great.


I have hypothyroidism. It's a nightmare. When I take thyroid replacement even at .25 a day I will after 30 days become so exhausted that I am sleeping 18-20 hours a day. I can't function. I get mind fog. When I go off it I slowly recover. But I have many other issues without it. The doctors don't know what to do with me. It's very frustrating. I just have to live without it even though it means a lot of other health issues.


If your TSH is low you have HYPERhyroidism not hypothyroidism. Dr Stork you need to review this .


i have hypothyroidism, i got diagnosed around 13/14 and took medicine for a couple years then they tested my levels said i was clear and to stop taking my medicine for good. a couple years later around 17 ish i still felt the same and got checked again and STILL had it... i’m almost 22 now. i have researched a lot about it and it says it’s a “chronic illness” and “auto immune disease” that doesn’t go away so i’m confused as to why they had me stop taking my medicine.. i also still feel the same symptoms of fatigue and especially when i move around, coldness, constipation ect. even when i do take my medicine unfortunately but yea ://


The fact they are talking about iodine in table salt as a good thing shows they have no clue. Google iodine in table salt and look for a good source and you will see how bad it is.


I have secondary hypothyroidism and have had myxoedema several times in my life. It is very bad in my case and wasn’t diagnosed until i was seriously unwell. I was only 23 when I was diagnosed. It’s a nightmare, I need surgery next week and I might not be able to have the anaesthetic.


You did not answer the question that you posted on the title of this video


I have Aquired Hypothyroidism. I've got Grave's disease which was treated with radio iodine i131. Im completely dependent on thyroid hormones. I'm on a lower dosage than what I had been on. Now I'm waiting on my tests results. I can tell I'm hypothyroid. I'm having fatigue so bad it's unbelievable and brain fog etc


I have a problem with my thyroid. My docor told me I have 2 nodule on my thyroid and she is gonna put me on a hormone to see if that will make them shrink. I also have to get checked to make sure they are not cancerous. Other women in my family also had thyroid problems. Sometimes I feel like a lump is in my throat and its hard to swallow.


For someone who does not use iodized salt I take iodine. It helps my thyroid some but it is so bad. Also I do want to say that iodine deficiency is on the rise in America due to the use of "fancier" non ionized salts...
