10 Business that FAILED to Adapt to Change

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10 Business that FAILED to Adapt to Change

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#alux #bankruptcy #fail

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Hello, hello aluxers! What is the greatest business demise you have seen caused by a failure to adapt?


In case don't have enough time to watch the entire video.
1. Nokia and Blackberry
2. Blockbuster
3. Segway
4. Kodak
5. Macy's
6. AOL and Yahoo
7. Hostess
8. Concorde
9. Abercrombie & Fitch
10. Hummer
Bonus -11. Kodak Coin


It's not always who's the first. It's about who gives the best service. Being a "Pioneer" is kinda overrated. Customers don't care about who's first, we care about the service quality.


Adaptability should be a core principle in ALL businesses! Without adaptability, there is no survival. Great video, Alux- you continue to serve as a great motivation to my channel!!


If you are reading this you will succeed


"What's dangerous is not to evolve."
--Jeff Bezos


Other failed business models: 1) Lotus spreadsheet from Lotus Software Co. IBM. They didn’t innovate and were decimated by EXCEL. 2) Encyclopedias, specifically Encyclopedia Brittanica. Pre-internet, GOOGLE and other search engines, they missed the boat, the opportunity to convert to online. Globalization meant knowledge was changing rapidly and their salesmen and paper gold- emblazoned, once every 2 year volumes in one’s library were quickly outdated. You could not even find “Zimbabwe” because they were out of touch and still had it under “ Rhodesia”. Data was coming in fast and they failed to adapt to it. 3) Typewriters. Manual typewriters from 1900s to maybe 1970s thought using tape to fix mistakes then correction fluid still failed. “ Word Processing” on then new ‘computers’ made typewriters obsolete. Some earliers, precursor programs worked until MS WORD decimated them. Now we have a myriad of options like GOOGLE focs etc. Thanks, Alux.


Being able to pivot is essential in today’s world, whether for businesses of individuals like you and I. Being able to adapt to change is what has allowed me to start my YouTube channel a month ago and already reach 450 subscribers! I couldn’t be happier🙌🏻Thank you for the reminding us about the importance of it❤️


Lesson learned: "Innovation" is the key in whatever kind of Business or Industry. If businesses would innovate and do R&D then any kind of business will still be in the lime light and will not be wiped out. Beautiful & informative video of Alux. More power to your channel! 🙌


Great post Alux, I will never forget the day this chic told me she wouldn't give me her number because I was wearing a A&F tshirt, and that was a couple years ago, now I know why💯 Keep motivating Alux, thanks for all that you guys do! -Trusno🖤


You can make the second part of this video after the Corona pandemic.


Fisker is another one that went down.
Also, we just bought a H2 Hummer. We have always loved them, but couldn't afford owning one. Now we have a 2004, that we got for $6300 and gas is super cheap ($1.49 as of 4/11/2020) . We still have our gas saver, for when gas goes up again. For the mean time, we will enjoy driving one of our favorite trucks of all time.


This video hit me pretty hard. I was an employee of Filene's when they were bought by Macy's. I wasn't smart enough to see the company falling fast enough, but I was smart enough to beat the coming layoff. I left about two month before Macy's issued their monster layoff. Still, before then I was the "company guy." I believed in the company so firmly, that a huge part of my retirement plan was in company stock. When Macy's absorbed us, my stock commanded $80 per share. When I left, and my shares were manditorily bought back, I only received a little over $6 per share. My plan's value fell from 40k to under 7k. To top it off, this was very late 2008, so none of my choices did well. I still think I'm the only man who managed to lose money on his retirement plan.
On a positive note, the transition to food was a huge boon to me. My cooking ability has increased exponentially, and the job I left them for is where I met my fiance. Even though I opted for a career change, cooking has become a huge passion for me. It has been a greater source of entertainment for me than anything else I do. My fiance works in slightly upscale restaurant now, and she can't wait to come home for my food. I've seen some real crap in business, but it's amazing that somehow it all still worked out.


I lived in Nyc when the Intrepid air museum got a concord. Oddest thing in the world to see a barge chugging down the Hudson with a concord parked on it.


You missed Sears...concentrated on having a store in every community, while Amazon came in and took ‘We Sell Everything’ by mail to astronomical heights.


During This Quarantine Time. I watched Alux.com ❤❤


As I quoted before of what Stephen Hawking had quote; " Intelligence is the ability to adapt"


Victoria's Secret and Under Armour will be on this list in 3 years.


Yes. I would really love to fly the Concorde. My grandmother, when she was alive, flew it several times, and, apparently had an amazing experience.


I think Kodak has digital cameras back in the 80's. My mom used to have this Kodak camera that instead of using a good old film, it has a slot for a disc. I think back in the days, the reason why it was not popular back then is because computers weren't readily available to anyone 🤷‍♀️

I did searched the model and it was the Kodak Disc 4000
