Daystar Exposure Warning to Christians

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If we have donated out of our social security checks, and Daystar is spending 100, 000$ for a honeymoon!😠 we have every right to know how our donations are being spent!! A good steward of God's money!!


This drama needs to be exposed and the people need to understand what many of the televangelist are doing. I thank God for all of the YouTube platforms that are bringing this to the light. It is our business concerning their money because it’s we the viewers that are sending them the money to finance their lavish lifestyle and it’s taxpayers money that assist these false religious tv programs! I’m thirsty and I want to know what the truth is so I’m not led into darkness!


It's important that people process what's happening.
I'm excited that God is exposing the minutiae of Filth in his church.
It's time that people understand how spiritual abuse works.
I'm thirsty for justice and truth.
Exposing your mother for covering the rape of your five year old daughter must be one of the most unimaginably painful way's of serving God.


I think we are thirsty for truth and righteousness. We are sheep looking for pastors that love and submit to the Lord both privately and publicly. Too many hirelings doing it to fill their pockets and getting rich off the normies.


We all have sinned…and come short of the glory of God! It’s time to stop gossip, read about it and/or make comments about others! I’m going to.. God help me with every area of my life.. to be a witness, work on my life, and just intercede for others and pray, as others pray for me! God I pray again for everyone to work out their lives and with families that all is corrected and forgiven.. I love You God with my whole heart, as I continue on my own journey! 🙏❤️


FYI. Jonathan and Susy fasted and prayed on what to do about daughter's SA so they went to cops AGAINST mom's advice. they also sought the Lord on which reporter to go to. Felt in heart do not go to NBC or NY times? secular media. So yes they did NOT want to expose mom for 4 years. So NO they did NOT do this flippantly.


These people are being exposed bc they were hiding their sins. God always exposes the sinful in the church!!!


There is nothing wrong with exposing this huge platform that misrepresents itself as a church. Daystar takes in millions and millions of dollars from unsuspecting partners and the programmers who trusted this platform to maintain biblical and ethical standards which we now know they did not. Thousands of us who have watches for years and supported this platform are shocked and extremely disappointed at the deception, mis appropriation of funds and lack of biblical standards that Joni and her other leadership have done behind the backs of innocent people. We who have supported Daystar immediately saw red flags when Marcus Lamb passed and. Joni remarried. You are not the Holy Spirit and therefore should respectfully keep your judgemental comments to yourself. Jonathan and Suzy have received biblical counsel and didn't make this decision flippantly. They have always been humble and led by convictions as stated by themselves and many others who have testified and who know them, even former employees. If it makes some christians uncomfortable hearing all this, so be it. The real issue are the programmers who stay silent and complicit in their support of Daystar and Joni because it may hurt their own bottom line. However the Lord hates deceit, lying, and unrighteousness and He will expose it whether its unpleasant or not! As for criticizing Jonathan for exposing his mother, let me just say what supposed "Godly mother" treats her son and daughter in law like she has on these recordings?? Furthermore, why are you appearing on here now with a hint of chastisement, possibly seeking people to follow or agree with you? Thats the real question. Maybe you know people eating popcorn and watching this, but some of us are in prayer and wanting to see righteousness prevail and God to clean his house. By suggesting that people not watch, listen or partake in this exposure, you too are complicit. Kindly, stay in your own lane and look away if you so choose, but the Word says God is not mocked and whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap. In addition, your sin will find you out.


Respectfully, I disagree. Churches and ministry are trusting and forgiving places and as such a natural magnet for predators of every type. It is important that EVERYTHING be in the open and above board. As far as Daystar, a $Billion operation with a board of 3, 2 of whom are family members is just begging for abuse, both financial and spiritual, which is what we are seeing exposed now.


I'm so glad I no longer watch these kinds of things and haven't in years. Thank you for telling everyone about this!!❤❤


Thank you so much for your positive contribution. Marcus and Joni Lamb started Daystar with wrong intentions to use the name of Jesus Christ to become rich. I personally doubt that they ever knew Jesus Christ and accepted Him as their Lord and Saviour. They are ao evil 🙍🏼🙍🏼🙍🏼


Stating it’s an exhortation implies it’s something Holy Spirit has instructed you to do. I’m sorry but it’s something from your own feelings. It’s the Lord doing the EXPOSURE of hidden secret things & cleaning His church beginning with ungodly corrupt leaders & ministries. “Exposure: to make known, disclose, or reveal (intentions, secrets, etc.) 6. to reveal or unmask (a crime, fraud, impostor, etc.) to expose a swindler.” Its loud, messy, uncomfortable, disappointing & Heartbreaking esp. to those who’ve idolized, thereby enabled, them for decades. Be careful not to try to cover or shutdown what God’s uncovering.


Jeremiah 9:3-9 “They make ready their tongue
like a bow, to shoot lies;
it is not by truth
that they triumph[a] in the land.
They go from one sin to another;
they do not acknowledge me, ”
declares the Lord.
4 “Beware of your friends;
do not trust anyone in your clan.
For every one of them is a deceiver, [b]
and every friend a slanderer.
5 Friend deceives friend,
and no one speaks the truth.
They have taught their tongues to lie;
they weary themselves with sinning.
6 You[c] live in the midst of deception;
in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me, ”
declares the Lord.

7 Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty says:

“See, I will refine and test them,
for what else can I do
because of the sin of my people?
8 Their tongue is a deadly arrow;
it speaks deceitfully.
With their mouths they all speak cordially to their neighbors,
but in their hearts they set traps for them.
9 Should I not punish them for this?”
declares the Lord.
“Should I not avenge myself
on such a nation as this?”


I get your point, and I agree some
uTubers may have been somewhat repetitive, but this sad situation does need public exposure, as for the financial aspect, that too needs consideration as thousands have donated to Daystar from their little to an organization with much that may have mishandled their funds,

The worst of all this is how non Christians can justifiably say “ see that’s what Christians are really like “


Exposure is good! You are misrepresenting the truth! False warning!
